ROFL. Skittles was a limited deck based off the catchphrase 'Taste the Rainbow'. It rain like...two of every energy, SW Ho-Oh, and GE Togekiss. It had some playability but limited to GG/Plox.
Speaking of, GG is more commonly known as Gardelade. It ran the SW Gardevoir and Gallade combo, and it was something fierce. Eeeeveryone played it back in SW/GE times until Empoleon MD came out and dominated a good bit of the format. Plox, IIRC, was a slight variation of Gardelade played with the very dangerous (at the time) Dusknoir, given how most people had more than 4 bench due to more common starters. This was before Call Energy, mind you, so Pachi was still a very much abused starter.
God, I don't remember too much about Legos, though. I remember AMU got pretty popular last year though.
I'd like to hear more on the decks Mew EX were played in, though. ;D It was a powerful card and stuff, you know. I wasn't actively playing during the EX seasons, so I don't know most of the decks...