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PoryDonk– Unlimited


Now with one fewer 's'
So I've decided to build this for league, just for fun.

Pokémon (20)

1-1 Drifblim UD (Drifloon MD)
2-2 Porygon2 GE (Porygon TR)
4x Sableye SF
3x Uxie LA
2x Azelf LA
1x Rotom UD
4x Unown R LA

T/S/S (38)
3x Professor Oak BS
3x Erika GH
4x Computer Search BS
4x Item Finder BS
4x Poké Drawer + SF
4x Pokémon Communication BW
1x Vs Seeker SV
1x Luxury Ball SF
1x Pokémon Retriever TRR
3x Scoop Up BS
1x Warp Point GC
1x Switch BW
4x Seeker TR
2x Broken Time-Space PT

Energy (2)

2x Boost Energy DF

Sorry if some of the abbreviations of the sets are wrong. My bad if they are.

Alright, so the strategy here starts with going first with Sableye. You then use the insane drawpower Unlimited gives you in Professor Oak, Erika, Computer Search, Poké Drawer +, Uxie, and Unown R to get out Porygon2 and Drifblim UD (with BTS, of course). Warp Point to get Drifblim active, attach Boost Energy. Use Porygon2's Download to use Seeker, pick up Porygon2, get another Seeker in-hand, play Porygon2, and repeat until your opponent has no benched Pokémon. Then, use Drifblim's Take Away to shuffle your opponent's Active Pokémon into his or her deck. Your opponent then has no Pokémon in play, so he or she loses.

C/C Welcome!
I don't have any experience in unlimited, but I think a 2-2 line of Drifblim and a couple more vs seeker and possibly BTS would be good. As to what to remove, maybe Mr. Fuji, Pokemon Retriever, and Rotom? I don't really know how that would work out, it might not be good at all.
I agree with Dark Void and maybe add in a few SSU to use it in Porygon.
Pokémon (20)

1-1 Drifblim UD (Drifloon MD) I'd probably go for a 2-2, but then again when I played luxchomp I prized 3 Cyrus multiple games
2-2 Porygon2 GE (Porygon TR)
4x Sableye SF Ehh...I don't know that this is really needed
3x Uxie LA
2x Azelf LA just one, you can seeker it
1x Rotom UD
4x Unown R LA

T/S/S (38)
4x Professor Oak BS not needed, you can just seeker your uxie. I'd play 2 of these
4x Erika GH
4x Computer Search BS
4x Junk Arm TR use item finder, you can get seeker with it
4x Poké Drawer + SF
4x Pokémon Communication BW
1x Vs Seeker SV
1x Luxury Ball SF
1x Pokémon Retriever TRR
1x Mr Fuji FL why?
2x Warp Point GC what is this for?
4x Seeker TR
2x Broken Time-Space PT

Energy (2)

2x Boost Energy DF
I'd run scoop up to reuse icier and get sableye out of the active spot, but. I'm not sure what to get rid of, maybe Prof oak?
For all of you, here's how the deck rolls:


I would suggest using just the 4-3-4 Porygon Z and using it to the the final blow and not Drifblim. DCE and Technical Machines would then be needed

Hope it helps! :D
@Dark Void: It's better 1-1, I'll always have Azelf and Rotom to get it out. VS Seeker isn't really necessary, as I can get Seeker and Vs Seeker back with Item Finder.

@noobmuffin: I just don't see 2-2 Drifblim as necessary. It takes up more space uselessly, imo. The Sableye are for going first– if I'm playing mirror (or any other donk deck), I don't want to rely on the coin flip. And as far as Azelf, the problem comes when my Azelf and Drifblim are both prized... plus, I only have 1 Seeker I can use manually, the rest I'll have to pick up Porygon-2 with. The 4 Professor Oak I really like, I can only Seeker my Uxie once, the rest of my Seekers will be used on Porygon-2. I do agree with the part about Item Finder, though, I will change that. Mr Fuji is for taking benched Pokémon off the bench without having to use my Supporter for the turn, and Warp Point is so I actually get to attack if I start with anything other than Drifloon.

@DragonClyne725, the 4-3-4 Porygon-Z just takes up more space, and I need to get more stuff out. I prefer Drifblim.

I do want to include some SSU, that's a really good idea. I'll add:
+2 SSU
and take out:
-1 Professor Oak
-1 Erika
Wouldn't normal Scoop Up be better sicne it is a 100% chance and you would only be scooping up basics like Azelf and Uxie anyway?
I only need to get 1 Porygon2 in play. Having 2 seems to work just fine, what with all the Azelf I have.
Swoop! Teleporter could be okay... I just don't know when I would use it, I guess. If I've already played all my uxie and have an extra bench space, sure, it could work.
I have Sableye in here so I can start 1st more often, and that's it. I can start with it sometimes, but if I don't it's no big deal.
@Dark Void, yes, Scoop Up would be significantly better. I never even knew that card existed.
I took out the Super Scoop Up and Mr Fuji for 3 Scoop Ups.
After testing this on RedShark, I have no problem getting 5 Seekers played and using Take Away on the first turn. More help to make it even more consistent would be awesome, though, if anyone has any ideas. ;D
syneptus said:
Is Energy Removal banned from unlimited?
If not, add 4.

No, that just makes this deck clunkier and reduces your chances of it working. If you can remove every pokemon your opponent has in play in 1 turn, why would you bother removing their energy?
I've been looking into this deck, and I love it lol.

-1 Boost Energy (You have ways to get it out of prizes and search it, so 1 is enough)
-1 Warp Point (I wouldn't use more than 1, because you won't need to switch more than once)

+1 Regice LA (Spiritomb's body is lame)
+1 Erika (Max consistency ftw)