• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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Aspiring Trainer
This is the deck I'm testing, i haven't tested a lot... but it very funny and it isn't weak.

  • Porygon-Z x3-1-3
  • Tornadus EX x3
  • Deoxys EX x3
  • Bouffalant (DE) (Gold Breaker) x1
  • Lugia EX x1
  • ACE SPEC (Computer Machine, Dowsing Machine, Scramble Switch)
  • Colress Machine x3
  • Float Stone x2
  • Max Potion x3
  • Catcher x3
  • Rare Candy x3
  • Switch x2
  • Super Rod x1
  • Plasma Ball x2
  • Tool Scrapper x2
  • Ultra Ball x2
  • N x3
  • Juniper x4
  • Skyla x2
  • Colress x2
  • Frozen City x1
  • DCE x4
  • Plasma Energy x4
  • Psychic Energy x1
The main attacker here is Tornadus... if I can make a Tornadus with the 4 Plasma Energy and at least 2 Deoxys in the bench, Tornadus will be hitting for 200 and KO every thing I could imagine. The 2 Tool Scrapper is because where I leave all are thinking about getting some of the Silver Mirror in their decks and can make me very difficult the game. Psychic is for emergy and using Deoxys for attack. Lugia is there as the last killer... if I have 2/3 prices I can Switch into Lugia, with Porygon-Z put all Plasma Energy on Lugia and attack to get those last prices.

PD: Sorry for my english... I'm very sleppy and, anyway, I'm very good at it.
You might need room to max out your Colress Machines. Also drop an Ultra Ball for a Plasma Ball, save yourself discarding, and probably Ace Spec as Computer Search. You won't need Scramble Switch as you're moving your Plasma around anyways.
Bro, is that you?? (that decklist looks strangely familiar to me, I gave some cards to a friend to help him build it)... anyway if its you Bro disregard this advice, if not...

-1 Porygon
-1 Porygon Z
a 2 - 1 - 2 Is a decent line

+1 family caller (not genesect, is useless as you run no grass)

+1 Keldeo (Stone him)
- 2 Switch (adding a keldeo with your already counted stones gives you a free space)

+1 Colress Machine

Then, use Drowsing Machine, deck is quite fast at discarding so its better

-1 N
+1 Skyla (or + 2, suits better as this deck requires lots of trainers)

- 2 ultra ball
+1 plasma ball
+1 level ball (porys)

Other than that i've played against this deck, it's like a new version of kinklang and requires some level of skill to navigate, but is deadly
I've done some changes to de deck but I'm thinks pulling out a Tornadous EX for a Thundurus EX as tech becouse some times they can defeat one of my pokemon with an Plasma Energy attached and that hurts a lot to the deck, but right now the deck is:

  • Porigon-Z x2-1-2
  • Tornadus EX x3
  • Deoxys EX x3
  • Bouffalant (DE) (Gold Breaker) x1
  • Lugia EX x1
  • Keldeo EX x1
  • 14
  • ACE SPEC Dowsing Machine
  • Colress Machine x4
  • Float Stone x2
  • Max Potion x4
  • Catcher x3
  • Rare Candy x2
  • Switch x2
  • Super Rod x1
  • Plasma Ball x3
  • Tool Scrapper x1
  • Level Ball x1
  • N x3
  • Juniper x4
  • Skyla x3
  • Colress x2
  • Frozen City x1
  • 37
  • DCE x4
  • Plasma Energy x4
  • Psychic Energy x1
  • 9

PD: I'm from Argentina... so I don't think you know me Sirmaiik xD

Give me advices of how can I put a Thundurus into the deck.
Aspertia City + Umbreon + Glaceon + Max Potion = Tornadus EX with gigantic HP and free retreat. Here is my Pokemon line and it works wonders... I have been winning a lot with this:

3-1-3 Porygon-Z
4 Tornadus EX
4 Eevee
3 Umbreon
1 Glaceon

Trust me, you don't need Deoxys and Lugia to make this work.