^didn't realize you rounded flips down. Okay, so 1-2 heads are equal prob (forgot there was 4 possible outcomes, not 3)
haha, don't get me started on flips. And your just as likely to nail 3 heads (OHKO) as zero. I never said it was reliable. And a plus power+lake boundry pretty much ensures at least 100. And look, the lv X ensures you get that every turn.....hmms. As for the discard, I think blissey loves it...or heck, run minum to just cycle with the entire deck. Decks that do that are amazing in this game, and porygon Z lv X allows cycling sooo much its not even funny.banettewilldestroyallofyou said:Whoops sorry, I was thinking of garchomp.
So you can consistently flip two heads on porygon z? That's pretty cool, I wish I could do that. I know the average is two heads but what happens when you get one or even zero?? You also have to consistently have the right energy to discard, should be easy with porygon z lv.x but you probably won't run more then four of any one type. Even 100 doesn't OHKO much anymore so there's much better options then porygon z to 2HKO things.