Writing Possession

If that is your soul staring us in the face, I‘m sorry things suck so much for you right now.

As for the actual writing: abstract monologues often turn out clichéd, boring or excessively whiny. Not yours though. I think this is quite an awesome way of expressing yourself.
Wow! you are an amazing writer. I really could feel what that story was telling. Pretty depressing though.
Anyways. Wow!
TheBugManiac said:
As for the actual writing: abstract monologues often turn out clichéd, boring or excessively whiny. Not yours though. I think this is quite an awesome way of expressing yourself.
Taking everything I think is good to say about, and then wording it better than I could. =.=

Probably the eeriest (touchiest?) part about this piece is that you ended this in second-person, but this is a hauntingly beautiful exception against what writing teachers like to drill on about. Combine that with such a tantalizing dream in the third-to-last paragraph, only to find it shattered, the pieces slowly descending in the sludge of the next two paragraphs.... *shudder* I ended up hiding my face between my knees. ;~;
I don't know for sure what you were referring to, but I was not trying to criticize the piece. If I really dug too deeply, I am sincerely sorry.