BW/BW2 Possible Bans

Doesnt get ice punch.
My team will get one like this
Infernape Choie Band/ Life Orb
252 Atk 252 Spd 4 HP
Close Combat
Fire Punch
Thunder Punch
Mach Punch
Kills sazandra and doryuuzu with a priority move! Pretty much gets stab for all moves due to Iron Fist, plus more natural stab. Poor blaziken cant even take down sharpedo with its own speed boost. Thank god it didnt get Bullet Punch.
Rule above me allows most of the new legends. Theres a reason all these new legends stats were capped off. A lot of pokemon that got boosted arent as scary as people thought. People still love intimadate gyarados/salamence. Overconfidence is good thats not what got them famous
I'm just wondering, dream world wobbufet's with Telepathy wouldn't be banned would they?
Only mewtwo gets psycho break.
The weaker version is still pretty strong but its not too crazy powerful.
Wait...a weaker version of physco break?

and one quick question Iv been trying to get an answer for, does bulb and recharable battery actually absorb attack(s) of the type or just give the boost?
Special move but does damage based on defense not special defense. Its a blissey killer if i ever saw one.
Mewtwo gets a signature move thats the same but even more powerful.
@frostwind, I thought SR was no longer a TM move
and the only pokemon I think for sure will be banned is Meloetta
I know but it can still be bred and some pokemon still learn it.
SR is still a threat. Not as much, but still enough to keep charizard and other flyings (ho-oh) from the action.
^^Genosect will have to be banned to. Just seems like it can do something with those cassettes.
Shandera w/ Choice Specs, and a succesfull nastyplotted Fire Blast/Overheat is OHKOing EVERY thing! EVERY THING!!!
Ononokusu is terrible. No way will he come close to getting banned, unless a third game comes out and he gets some weird, overpowered exclusive move. His defenses are awful and his speed isn't even that great. Shandera is also not that bad. It'll be OU for sure, but if you actually test it is NOT threatening enough to be banned. Same with Sazandora. Genosect, Kerudio, and Reshi/Zekrom will be banned. All the ubers from DPP will remain uber. Kyurem I haven't seen much of, but it doesn't seem to threatening. Urugamoth is the only thing possibly banned that isn't legendary, but Stealth Rock is still the best move in the game.
Does sr take half the hp off of the moth?
Kyurem is too wea with ice. Maybe next game with the freeze bolt and cold flare stuff. Do you think they will ban the legends you can only get by event (keldeo for example) even if they arent to powerful?
6-D: Why would Genosect and Keldio be banned? Genosect's ability is useless whenever it gets an attack boost, because its physical movepool is awful. Keldio has Water, Fighting and whatever Hidden Power type for coverage (doesn't even get Ice Beam), and Bloongel walls it to the end and back.

Frostwind: Freeze Bolt and Cold Flare are both charge-up attacks, like Solarbeam. Chances are they won't be really good, because Ice has many common resistances (Steel and Water, for example), and you waste the first turn charging while your opponent sends in a resistant Pokemon.

ShinyShadow: No, Hihidaruma won't likely get banned. Even with its large 140 base attack, it still possesses 55 base defenses, as well as 95 base speed, which is below the coveted 100 base speed mark. Its low defenses leave it very open to priority, especially Aqua Jet. As well, Daruma Mode is an awful ability compared to Encourage.
My guesses for bans are the obvious Zekrom and Reshiram, and maybe Genosekto and Kyurem, because they're a little bulky and an alright speed stat. Passed that unless something becomes ridiculously overcentralized like Garchomp I don't forsee any other bans coming out way until, at least until the next new games are released.