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Are you sure that's the right link?
All I got was japanese/chinese text which linked me to another irrelevant page.
Try copy and pasting the pictures and hosting them yourself. (I wanna see this for myself!)
Also, depending on where you got them, there's a high chance that they'll be fake anyway. Is it from a reliable source?

Wow, those do look real.
They also look like the Fighting/Dark/Psychic combo.
I wouldn't mind them being the starters. I'd choose the kangaroo!

the copyright is too blurry, seems like it's done on purpose, the diamond/pearl just seems copied and blurred, the art on the Pokémon seem fake, they also don't look like Pokémon
and also because we don't know where it's from, we have a 99% chance of faking
Everyone is still unsure of this, but it has a good chance of being real. The only suspect thing is the copyright logo looks a little off.
It's hard to say. If you think about it, the argument that "they don't really look like Pokemon" seems irrelevant due to how ridiculously stupid and non-Pokemon like the new legendaries look.

They might as well be real. Let's just have (aside from the kangaroo) really stupid looking Pokemon throughout all of Diamond and Pearl.
well they look real, but who can tell?

If i had to pick i'd get that triceratops thing, since it is cool. <3 triceratops thing!

Arcanine out.
I think they're fake, since the D/P logo is kinda blurry, and looks pasted to the image if you ask me... also, the images look nice, but not really like Pokémon to me... I say they're fake...!
Sad too say, but they may be.

A person posted on BMG said that the person who did Korechu did these as well.
We may have something here. If those are real, the Kangaroo is mine!

Although, don't we have enough cats already?
Most likely fake. There's been so many pictures of fake D/P starters these days that that's probably one of them too.

If they are real by some astronomical chance then i'm getting the Kangaroo starter, which is most likely fighting type. As there was speculation that the starters could be Psychic, Fighting and Dark, which those pokemon fit in to. Plus i'm Australian so I have to have some sort of support for our national icons :D
Are you sure they are real? because they look kinda fake to me.:)
I don't think they are real anyway and pokemon don't look like that. They look more characteristic and look better than that.:)
I don´t think that´s fake, maybe ir´s real Pokemons, but not starters, some others

Man, just look at them, they look like a real Pokemons
I'm sorry friend...but there fake...have a look for ur selves.
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