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Possible plasma deck-Plasma EX & Eeveeloutions


I'm actually a... MAGIC MAAAAAAAAAAN!!
So I started this Plasma deck, but now I see Haxorus has been released, so this will probably suck. I've already traded most of my good cards for some of these, so here's my plan:
Eevee (with Signs of Evolution) x4
Espeon x1
Vaporeon x1
Jolteon x1
Flareon x1
Umbreon x1
Leafeon x1
Glaceon x1
Heatran EX x1
Deoxys EX x1
Thundrus EX x1
Tornadus EX x1
Moltres EX x1
Zapdos EX x1
Articuno EX x1
(But no Lugia. I shun Lugia.)
Trubbish x1 (With Pile Up)
Garbodor x1 (To stop them Frosslasses and such.)

Plasma Energy x4
Double Colorless x4
Blend x4
Blend x4
(Both types)
Prism Energy x4

Plasma Badge x2
Plasma Frigate x2
Frozen City x2
Plasma Ball x4
Shadow Triad x2
Colress Machine x3 or 4 (still working it out)
Hypnotoxic Laser x3

I know this seems really huge and complicated. I wanted a deck with variety. I wanted one that took care of each flaw. Low HP? Umbreon. Frosslass or Klingklang? Garbotoxin. Only special energy that I have to move around and ration? Thundrus.
So, yes. Please share your thoughts and post a few pictures of that Haxorus, too.
Why do you play so many one-of cards? And with only 2 Supporter Cards, you're going to have a hard time setting up most things. I'd recommend upping your Supporter Count to 14-15.

And a lot of these cards don't even make sense in here. Garbodor shuts down all of your Eeveelutions' abilities as well as Deoxys-EX. And Froslass really isn't going to be played as much as you are hyping it for (in fact, it really isn't going to see any play at all). It has too little HP, and what doesn't help is that it is a Stage 1, with a pre-evolution that has the possibility of being donked. The same is with Haxorus, which takes too much time to set up.

Also, no Catchers? No deck can be viable without Pokemon Catchers.

Right now, I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish with your deck, but if I had to water it down and make it more consistent, I would make the deck look something like this:

4x Eevee (PLF)
1x Glaceon (PLF)
2x Umbreon (PLF)
2x Flareon (PLF)
1x Leafeon (PLF)
4x Deoxys-EX
3x Thundurus-EX

4x Professor Juniper
4x N
3x Skyla
2x Colress
1x Super Rod
2x Team Plasma Ball
2x Ultra Ball
4x Colress Machine
4x Pokemon Catcher
4x Hypnotoxic Laser
2x Virbank City Gym
1x Scramble Switch

4x Prism Energy
4x Plasma Energy
2x Lightning Energy
2x Water Energy
2x Darkness Energy

This deck would focus on early game attacking with Thundurus-EX, which along with Ultra Ball, can start powering up your benched Eeveelutions in the early turns. Ultra Ball also works to discard the Eeveelutions you don't need in specific matchups, which ends up boosting Flareon's first attack (which is the only one worth using). Leafeon is in here to counter the Blastoise/Keldeo matchup with it's first attack, and can also be useful in other matchups. Umbreon gives your guys more HP so they can't be OHKO'd as easily, and Vaporeon gives them free retreat, which is also nice since it prevents your opponent from Catcher-stalling your Deoxys-EXs. Super Rod can help recover your Pokemon if you Juniper or Ultra Ball them.
I see where you're coming from. I might take out the Garbodors... And I put all the Eevee's in there for variety and defense against anything. Vaporeon is the only healer in there, Leafeon can take out Keldeos and Blastoises, and Espeon can pick off Mewtwos on the bench. I need to keep the Energies, however. I'll see what I can do without Garbodor...
And Plasma Ball can find pokemon easily. Ghetsis just seems useless...
RotomRules64 said:
I see where you're coming from. I might take out the Garbodors... And I put all the Eevee's in there for variety and defense against anything. Vaporeon is the only healer in there, Leafeon can take out Keldeos and Blastoises, and Espeon can pick off Mewtwos on the bench. I need to keep the Energies, however. I'll see what I can do without Garbodor...
And Plasma Ball can find pokemon easily. Ghetsis just seems useless...

Deoxys + Energy + Colress Machine makes quick work of Mewtwo, making Espeon pointless. Jolteon has really bad attacks, so it pretty much does nothing. I can see where you're going with Vaporeon, but your Eeveelutions have so little HP in the first place that it's rather pointless to play it, when your opponent could just Catcher around it, bring up a healed Eeveelution, and OHKO it.
Eh. Okay. So, do you recommend taking Joleton out? I'd like to keep it in, since it's good against EX's... And Umbreon makes up for low HP.