I also recommend,Mega Tyranitar and the Bats. I'm sure it will be a big help.
Its an attack like quaking punch, once its attacked theres literally no way to put down stadiums.if it is,use Hex Maniac! I'm sure its Renegade Pulse or Chaos Wheel can't block supporters.
Hex Maniac is a supporter. So it is temporary shut down its Renegade Pulse ability and Primal Groudon attack Giratina-EX.Its an attack like quaking punch, once its attacked theres literally no way to put down stadiums.
Hex Maniac is a supporter. So it is temporary shut down its Renegade Pulse ability and Primal Groudon attack Giratina-EX.
You can retrieve that card by using VS seeker and use it again.(if there's no Vileplume or item blockers in play).
We'll have to wait and see how people will make giratina, as for m sceptile, how would it reach tier 1 status? I can see the healing and energy will be good, but how tier 1? Is there a pairing im missing here?Here's my two cents: (Please dispute it if you see a problem. I will happily discuss.)
Tier 1: pretty similar to the original list by Mega Adi
Tier 2:
- Metal Ray/maybe some other Ray variant
- Raichu/Bats AND Metal Variants.
- Vespiquen/Eeveelutions
- Item Lock (probably Giratina/Vileplume, maybe some Seismitoad)
- Mega Sceptile
Tier 3:
- Gengar
- Primal Groudon
- Machamp/Ariados
- Mega Manectric Variants
Reasoning: A fair bit of these placings are largely affected by whether or not Grass has a big presence. I'm assuming it will with Vespiquen and Sceptile, but if I'm wrong this list is total trash
- Night March
- Fairybox
- Primal Kyogre
- Mega Tyranitar/Bats
. I moved Raichu/Bats down to the same level as Metal Variants because Theta Stop stops bat damage in its tracks. Of course, the only viable decks with Theta Stop is M Sceptile and rogue Malamar. (One can only hope...). For Tier 2, I put Gengar ahead of P Groudon. Gengar is actually a very good deck, which a lot of people forget about. Plus, there's not really a big Darkness presence in the projected meta, whereas P Groudon's weakness has a plethora of new tools. For me, Machamp/Ariados is only ahead of MegaMan because it hits MegaMan for weakness. Tier 3 is the home of decks that lose staples post-rotation (and M T-Tar
). Night March loses Mew (I could see NM being Tier 2, but I don't play the deck so I can't really judge that), Fairybox loses Max Potion, Primal Kyogre loses a good weakness (by good I mean an uncommon type), and M T-Tar is just...slow.
Thanks! but you call GIratina's ability Renegade Pulse not Rebellious something. The real name of that ability in AOR. I watch the prerelease so I know everything.That's not exxtrooper's point. He/She is saying that Hex Maniac won't affect the ability to play stadiums. You're right in that HM will shut off Rebellious Wave, which will allow P Groudon to hit Giratina, but HM doesn't disable attack effects. Stadium lock is an attack effect in this case, so it would not be disabled.
Here's my two cents: (Please dispute it if you see a problem. I will happily discuss.)
Tier 1: pretty similar to the original list by Mega Adi
Tier 2:
- Metal Ray/maybe some other Ray variant
- Raichu/Bats AND Metal Variants.
- Vespiquen/EeveelDd
- utdkxkxmdkxkYes!Item Lock (probably Giratina/Vileplume, maybe some Seismitoad)
- myMega Sceptile
Tier 3:
- Gengar
- Primal Groudon
- Machamp/Ariados
- Mega Manectric Variants
Reasoning: A fair bit of these placings are largely affected by whether or not Grass has a big presence. I'm assuming it will with Vespiquen and Sceptile, but if I'm wrong this list is total trash
- Night March
- Fairybox
- Primal Kyogre
- Mega Tyranitar/Bats
. I moved Raichu/Bats down to the same level as Metal Variants because Theta Stop stops bat damage in its tracks. Of course, the only viable decks with Theta Stop is M Sceptile and rogue Malamar. (One can only hope...). For Tier 2, I put Gengar ahead of P Groudon. Gengar is actually a very good deck, which a lot of people forget about. Plus, there's not really a big Darkness presence in the projected meta, whereas P Groudon's weakness has a plethora of new tools. For me, Machamp/Ariados is only ahead of MegaMan because it hits MegaMan for weakness. Tier 3 is the home of decks that lose staples post-rotation (and M T-Tar
). Night March loses Mew (I could see NM being Tier 2, but I don't play the deck so I can't really judge that), Fairybox loses Max Potion, Primal Kyogre loses a good weakness (by good I mean an uncommon type), and M T-Tar is just...slow.
Good save, @GengarGuys , I totally spaced on Hippowdon. I'll add Bunnelby as well, even though it has a bad bats matchup (I do love me a Bunnelby deck, though). Addressing exxtrooper's concerns, I put Sceptile at the bottom of Tier 1 because it doesn't seem to have many negative matchups, plus there's a slew of partners for it, which makes Sceptile one versatile plant-lizard-thing. On top of that, Sceptile is very fast and constantly streams healing, which results in prize denial. (Granted, that's pretty useless against the likes of M-Ray, but that's why M-Ray is ranked #1.) Bonus: in my opinion, the deck has a very positive matchup against Raichu/Bats. Sceptile can OHKO Raichu, but Raichu cannot do the same back. Bats are blocked by Theta Stop, so ideally you'll have a fresh Sceptile or other attacker every turn to take out their electric mice.
My guess for Top 5 decks:
#1 - Vespiquen - the absolute BDIF IMO, only loses to mirror;
#2 - Metal Ray - super fast and hits real hard, but has many vulnerabilities in the current meta and can be brought down fast
#3 - Raichu/Bats - super effective against both Queen Bee and Metal Ray but a bit slower than both and heavily reliant on DCE
#4 - MegaManectric - not sure what pairs best with this guy, maybe bats and something heavy such Lugia I dunno, but Megaman is a really good metacall.
#5 - Medicham/Hawlucha - put 4 Focus Sash on these and you win any prize trade you have. Deck goes much faster now that there's Shaymin and Mails/Bikes. Big weaknesses are bats and megaphones;
#5 - Excadrill Links/Eeveelutions - Bronzong for charge and recovery, Shay for speed, Flareon/Jolteon for coverage, Aegislash for anti-DCE, and Excadrill Omega Barrier to finish off any meta threat with weakness except Mega Man.
Vileplume won't see as much play because it's a very hard setup and the damage output just doesn't pay off. Miltank/Vileplume might be a good contender but Lysandre ruins it. Dragon Ray will always lose the prize trade against any other deck in the format, Golurk is too slow unless you play a Bronzong kind of gimmick and Mega Sceptile is a worthless overhyped deck that does very little damage and gets OHKO very easily in the presence of Flareon.
i feel like sceptile would have a negative matchup against any deck that can 1hko it, since getting 1hko'd will effectively make it mega manectric but much, much worse. so vespiquen with flareon and both m-ray variants would be terrible.
Exactly.Yes, he's basically saying that Giratina EX is over-hyped, like Pyroar. Players were claiming he was broken before the card was even released. But when people started to actually use Pyroar competitively, he ended up being a disappointment. Mainly because of Garbordor and popular Mega pokémon like Mega Rayquaza. The meta wasn't very kind to him.