(Post 94) FOR ALL: Forum Reorganization Project

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RE: FOR ALL: Forum Reorganization Project

Sounds neat... Can't wait. ;D
RE: FOR ALL: Forum Reorganization Project

s2daam said:
Their is a fan-art part, but what about Official art? Can't we have a part for Official Sugimori and stuff. Like Ranger arts? I really want this!

YOu can find a lot of Sugimori art with just a Google search, and I think having an entire section just for loads of Sugimori art would be kinda unnecessary.
RE: FOR ALL: Forum Reorganization Project

^The main page of Pokebeach has a section for Ken Sugimori artwork but it still isn't available...
RE: FOR ALL: Forum Reorganization Project

karimsoliman94 said:
so is general disscussion going to be moved?

If you saw the link, you'd see that TCG News and Discussion is a Forum on there. So, no. The Forum will just have a different name.

dmaster out.
RE: FOR ALL: Forum Reorganization Project

rockinpikachu said:
I would like the Current Event section to stay up on top and not always be black and white.
i say we add 5th gen to video game discussion a few days after BW comes out. So right now we have current event: black and White and in a few month when the new pokemon wii game news starts coming out we could have "Current Event: Pokemon" (whatever the name is here)

WPM could u make this work?

no one has rally replied to this. I want u guys to read!
RE: FOR ALL: Forum Reorganization Project

So is the black and white current event forum still there hey lets all ignore Rockinpikachu just joking yeah i like your idea and you banner.
RE: FOR ALL: Forum Reorganization Project

First, combine the "Competitive TCG Play" and "General TCG Play, Collecting, & Discussion" categories into one, "Pokémon TCG."

Second, remove "Sanctioned Events and Reports" from "Competitive TCG Play," and create its own area, "Pokémon Organized Play Events and Reports."

Pokémon Organized Play Events & Reports
  • Pokémon League
  • Tournaments
  • Prerelease Events
  • TCG Championship Series
  • VG Championship Series

Pokémon League: A forum to promote and report on activities at Pokémon Leagues.

Tournaments: A forum to promote and report on tournaments.

Prerelease Events: A forum to promote and report on prerelease events.

TCG Championship Series: A forum to promote and report on championship series events, limited to Battle Road, City Championships, State/Provincial/Territorial Championships, Regional Championships, National Championships, and World Championship, and to discuss topics relevant to them.

TCG Championship Series
  • Battle Road
  • City Championships
  • State/Provincial/Territorial Championships
  • Regional Championships
  • National Championships
  • World Championship

VG Championship Series: A forum to promote and report on VG Championship series events, and discuss topics of relevance.

Video game organized play exists, having completed its third year of events. The release of Black and White in spring 2011 will stimulate interest and organized competition through regional qualifiers to the VG World Championship.

In these topics, players will post reports. Such reporting should follow specific protocol:

[REPORT] {Insert Location, preferring city, state; include venue if in a Pokémon League}

Age Division:
Event Record:
RE: FOR ALL: Forum Reorganization Project

I'm fine with it, but...
I would personaly like a place where I can play RPGs made by the users without rules banning them in the Game Corner, that would make my day...
RE: FOR ALL: Forum Reorganization Project

I really like the names. It makes the Beach feel more friendly.
RE: FOR ALL: Forum Reorganization Project

I like the sound of this new structure; I think that it will make the forums look neater and thus much easier to navigate. Is it just the overall structure of the site that's changing, or is everything going to be revamped? I'm happy with the way the site looks in terms of the positions of avatars, usernames, post counts, etc, but I'd be just as happy even if things are shaken up a bit. :p
RE: FOR ALL: Forum Reorganization Project

its gonna be so cool, i might hang out there 24/7 maybe.
RE: FOR ALL: Forum Reorganization Project

After taking everyone's feedback into consideration, including the mods, this is what the current version looks like. Please provide feedback again.

Does this mean PB getting the trade/ battle chatroom back?

Also, the names are a lot better, along with the order of the forums.
^. Much better names. As long as alot of thread don't get deleted, go for it!
The names are better now. I would like to see how the forum looks when the changes are made. ^_^
Make sure to read the descriptions. The names are the least important thing. What's to be posted in each forum and the rules are what is most important.
Shouldn't we just combine all of the TCG tournament sub-forums into one? I don't see why we'd need a forum for each kind of tournament, but that's just my two cents.
I think the descriptions are a bit over-descriptive. We can post the details and rules in the subforum important threads. Most people probably don't want to read a paragraph description.
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