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Standard Post Rotation Volcanion (BKT-BUS)

I didn't actually edit that part about Garbodor in, but that is irrelevant. Also you ignored the part where I said a lot of people agree on that point. I have talked to people on Pokebeach and in real life about that. So no it's not just my opinion, and it doesn't have very little basis. You are still dropping all VS Seekers in the new format, so even if they ran 3 they are still dropping 3 cards in favor for supporters most of the time. We are going into a new format, so even if it came first in this format doesn't mean it will be that good a deck in the new format. It will probably be a tier 2 deck in my opinion, but I don't think 1 tier 2 deck is a reason not to run Scorched Earth over Brooklet Hill. Like I said earlier though I need to deck test further with both of them. I hope this helps.
I have seen some lists on this thread that run 3 Lele and I just don't see it. I find with the Top 8 List from Internationals that Assuming none are prized, I don't bench more than one on a good game and only one on a bad game. The Second one only comes down for a late game Lysandre or Sycamore off a N to 1-2 cards. I think one assumption that needs to be fixed is that the deckis based on Kiawe. This is not the case, for example in a Gardivoir Gx or Water Match up, I would go all out for a Kiawe onto Turtonator for gardy or
Ho-oh for water. But say in a Zoroark or Garbodor Matchup, I am going the old Steam up/Power Heater route to power up Regular Volcanions and turtonator's Trap shell and just avoiding Kiawe all together. Here is my list that I will base my Modifications off of.

Pokémon: 14
4 Volcanion STS
3 Volcanion EX STS
1 Ho-oh GX BUS
1 Turtonator GX GDR (I will add another Ho-oh or Turtonator depending on the meta).
2 Tapu Lele GX GDR
1 Staryu BKP
1 Starmie EVO

Supporters: 16

4 Professer Sycamore XYB
4 Guzma BUS
2 Kiawe BUS
2 Wicke BUS

Items: 12

4 Ultra Ball
2 Field Blower
2 Switch
2 Rescue Stretcher
3 Fighting Fury Belts
2 Float Stone
1 Energy Recycler

Stadium: 3
3 Brooklet Hill

Energy: 15

15 Fire Energy

Let me explain a few of my choices. 2 Tapu Lele because you don't need to bench more than one. We are going to need more suffle draw support without VS Seeker to recycle supporters, Wicke is just a way to do this. Energy recycler could be a great late game tech. You play this at the end of the game, then Kiawe, giving you enough energy to attack from a Guzmaed pokemon. This is really a prototype list. I am not sure about the Energy Recycler or Wicke but I think they might work.
question I don't have any tapu leles should I just give up playing any version of volcanion is there something I can do to make up the shortcomings
Playing without Tapu Lele GX will be tough because of the consistency it provides. You definitely cannot play a competitive version of it, but if you are just looking to have some fun, and already own some of the cards I would suggest two things. You can either just add more supporters you run 1 of, or you can add draw support in the form of pokemon like Octillery. If you were looking to play a competitve deck though, I would suggest Greninja Break decks. They are cheap, pretty compeititve, and don't run Tapu Lele GX's. I hope this helps.
I'm going for a similar list but with 4 ultra ball 3 kiawe 2 lele ( I would do 3 if I had more).

I keep thinking I need to put choice bands in as well as fighting fury as when abilities are blocked it's frustrating. Although silent lab rotation is good for this deck. Keep toying with 3 field blowers. What do people think about choice bands in this deck?
Does parallel city
Nice list. I run a Volcanion deck too, but a different variant than yours. I feature Turtonator GX as my primary attacker primarily; otherwise, I utilize similar Pokémon.

I would suggest the 2 things for your consideration:

+1 Kiawe. Given your stated strategy, you may want another to significantly enhance your chances of having 1 available. Consider -1 Max Elixir.

+1 Parallel City. Reducing your opponent's bench to just 3 Pokémon potentially not only disrupts the opponent's bench, but it may also apply early game pressure just before you play your Kiawe. Furthermore, Parallel City can remove unwanted/unneeded Pokémon from your bench. Consider -1 Max Elixir or Brooklet Hill.

I hope you find these comments helpful.
I think you list is pretty solid, but there are a couple of changes I would make. Here is my Volcanion deck list.

Pokemon: 12

1 Turtonator GX
3 Volcanion EX
1 Staryu
1 Starmie
2 Tapu Lele GX
3 Volcanion
1 Ho Oh GX

Trainers: 34

2 Float Stone
4 Ultra Ball
2 Field Blower
1 Rescue Stretcher
2 Choice Band
1 Fighting Fury Belt
4 Max Elixir
1 Switch

4 Professor Sycamore
4 N
1 Kiawe
3 Guzma
2 Lillie

3 Brooklet Hill

Energy: 14

14 Fire Energy