I didn't actually edit that part about Garbodor in, but that is irrelevant. Also you ignored the part where I said a lot of people agree on that point. I have talked to people on Pokebeach and in real life about that. So no it's not just my opinion, and it doesn't have very little basis. You are still dropping all VS Seekers in the new format, so even if they ran 3 they are still dropping 3 cards in favor for supporters most of the time. We are going into a new format, so even if it came first in this format doesn't mean it will be that good a deck in the new format. It will probably be a tier 2 deck in my opinion, but I don't think 1 tier 2 deck is a reason not to run Scorched Earth over Brooklet Hill. Like I said earlier though I need to deck test further with both of them. I hope this helps.