Potential Box Break Club


Kind of Back
Mods I don't have a clue were this should go as no one on this site has ever tried it before so move it to were you see fit.

A new phenomenon is sweeping the the major sports and trading card forums called "Box Break Clubs".

Basically here's how it works. First a number of members are selected normally 4-5 including the breaker. This group of people each chip in a share of the price of the box as well as shipping prices ect to get the cards to them after the break. Next the breaker uses an impartial site like random.org to select the draft order for the break. In terms of sports the members then draft teams from the sport. From there the breaker gets the box and then opens it live on a site called utsream.tv. Ustream has live chatrooms on the side of the video so the members can chat about their pulls ectra.

Some people here, especially the trading council :), know that my dad a a mod on one of the bigest card trading sites on the web. He has done a ton of these for that site so I know what I am doing. Here is a link to one of his breaks so you can get an idea of how they work. I promise no rickrolls. Ustream records them for latter playback after the live break.

So you say "that is cool Larcan but how the heck would we do it for pokemon?"

Well here you go

{F}we have an open draft for the set.{R}

Basically live on Ustream I would randomize the names of the draft members after payment. We would then Go by the set list for the set we choose and draft which cards we want.

Here is an example non of the members I am using have singed up for the club I am just using their names for an example.

Lets say the members were
Shay of the heart
Kenny Shumann

each member would vote on which box to buy and then send in their money(paypal, cash money order). We would then agree on a time to hold the drafts and meet on Ustream and I would use random.org to slect the draft order. We would then Draft live which cards we want from the set

Example with in the example lol:

Lets say the order was and the box we picked was Legends Awaken

The draft would go somthing like this

WPM: Zone X
Shay: Mesprit X
Larcan: Uxie X
Kenny: Azelf X
G2F: Mewtwo X
WPM: Rypherior X
Shay:Glysiczor X
Kenny: Kingdra

Ect ect

Basicly we could stop after uncommons to save time and have people make special common/ lesser uncommon requests or leave the commons to the drafter to save on shipping.

I would then order the box(s) and we would schedule a time where I would break them live on Ustream so the members can watch and see what they pull.

I would then pack your cards and ship them 2 you.

refs could be exchanged when I recieve he money and when you get your cards

Interested? well here are the rules:

1. I will be the breaker for now as I have experience with this but latter on other members could break.
2. Money must be paid before the draft is made( basicly to make sure there is no backing out if you are'nt able to draft well.
3. The boxes will be sealed and I will open the box live to prove it thusly it is not my fault if the pulls are bad.
4. There is just as much risk involved in box breaks as opening packs so only join if you are mature enough to handle that.
5. We can break any where from 1-3 boxes at a time it will be up to the members of the club and money to decide.
6. We can break any from once every month to every 3 that is also up to the members.
7. You can join the club for just one break or stay in the club for every break as long as you have the money to pay for it.

I am sure you will have questions so ask away if you are interested in joining post here and basically commit to the club once the membership is filled we can start breaking as soon as the money comes in and I order the box.

Current members
1. Larcans (current breaker)
This would probably go in the Trading Corner if anything, and in all honesty, I'm not sure how popular it'll be... most members (as far as I've seen) either buy a whole box for themselves or trade for a few packs.
Yea I was thinking that have to see what a mod says.
Yea it is horrendously popular with other card's just thought I'd see if anyone in pokemon was interested.
I doubt the mods will care one way or another, I just don't think you'll find anyone that's interested. Most people like to pull the cards themselves and handle them themselves, and with the boxes for Pokemon being fairly inexpensive, most do.
I hear what your saying but it is a way to buy multiple boxes cheap and get only what you want. I'll just see what people think if no one is interested they won't post and the thread will die showing me so. If people like it I will get posts showing the other way. Thanks for your opinion I'll just wait and see