Potential BREAK Pokemon in Upcoming Sets!

Ability I believe is, (if I translated the black bar properly) "If you have evolved your Pokemon into three Crobat BREAK this turn kick your opponent in the shin after placing 400 damage counters on each of your opponent's Pokemon, if they do not have a shin punch them in the arm with your foot, if you have not evolved into three Crobat Break this turn, place 100 damage counters on the one Pokemon your opponent truly does not want you to put damage onto, and slap your opponent in the face." Case CLOSED.
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'When you play this card from your hand to evolve one of your pokemon, slap your opponent in the face flip the table over and yell na-na-na-na-boo-boo stick your face in doo-doo'

If only life was as simple as Evangelion.
"Free Flight: When you evolve this pokemon from your hand, all Golbat and Crobat in play have zero retreat cost for one turn."

I'm playing 4!
Translation: Buy More Bat$ $pend Ca$h Money on $haymin$ to $et Thi$ Deck Up. $$$$ Win hard, make no $kill deck$.

But seriously, I hope this isn't some kind of "Evolve and Place Damage" card because it feels like there's more focus on favoring certain decks than balancing most of the cards.
wait if break pokemon inherit the abilities of the normal pokemon would crobat's ability activate, since the new one gains the ability when it break evolves?
Evolution Reverse

When you play this card from your hand to evolve Crobat put all cards attached to this card including pokemon except zubat in your hand zubat can evolve this turn.

Hyper Evoluton

As long as this pokemon is in play Psychic type pokemon on your side of the field can evolve the same turn you play them from your hand.
(Ability) Sly Bite:
When you evolve this Pokemon, put 6 damage counters on one of your opponent's Pokemon.
more like
(Ability) bite down:
When you evolve this Pokemon, choose a pokemon with 3 or more damage counters on it, knock it out.


(Ability) Sly Bite:
When you evolve this Pokemon, put 2 damage counters on each of your opponent's Pokemon that has damage counters.
I'm expecting some sort of evil "return this card to your hand" single energy attack. crobat break is just so unnecessary tho, give it to a card like aromatisse that doesnt already dominate the game
I'm expecting some sort of evil "return this card to your hand" single energy attack. crobat break is just so unnecessary tho, give it to a card like aromatisse that doesnt already dominate the game

Sly Return: Return this Pokémon and all cards attached to it to your hand.

I hope this will not be another gun for the arsenal of these absolutely-no-skills-required decks, but I'm sure it will, so... PHF rotation, you better hurry!
Here's MY Crobat Break, I bet it's better !!!

Attack: Swift Glide: 1 Col 40 dmg
You can move damage counters on your opponent's pokemon in any way you like.
I seriously hope that this does not drop more damage with an abilityo_O I would like an attack that places more damage on pokemon with damage counters on em. Kinda mega gallade ish
The pose on Crobat BREAK is nearly identical to the pose of the Crobat in the previous evolution bubble. For some reason I find that kind of funny.