Pre-evo of Chimecho!

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If it's okay with you Qf, could I use that pic.

And everyone else, cut it out, all I want is comments and ideas on how to improve. I don't want arguing. Thanks.
It looks nice, the ribbons should be shorter, and just make him look smaller in general, just to capture the feeling that it is a midget chime that is the pre-evo of CHimecho. I mean, chimecho was small and cute enough, it'll be hard to make a baby out of it...

And yeh, Chibicho is a nice name, but I don't quite agree with Chibecho...once again it is too similar to its evolution.
Overall the card is good but it can use a few touch ups and stuff.:)
icemaster said:
its good for a beginner.

Yeah it will be a good beginner pokemon if it were a real pokemon but I is not and icemaster could you please make your posts longer and tell us why because if you just post a couple of words you are spamming and you will get a warning soon if you don't and you don't want that to happen.:)
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