Pre release Should I go to it?


Aspiring Trainer
So as we all know the hs-undaunted pre-release is coming up and I wanted to know, What would be a better idea.

Should I NOT go to the pre-release and just buy the cards I need for a deck that I would build in the fututre


Should I go to the pre-release get a lot more cards and sell any cards I dont want?

please & thanx
RE: Pre release

depends on if you want the sleeves, promo card and a fun 40 card tournament

or if there are only a few cards and your not intrested in that sort of thing its probably better just to buy them indivdualy
RE: Pre release

Go to the Prerelease! you get more packs and a promo and Sleeve, plus it is very fun.
RE: Pre release

It's much cheaper, too, to got to Pre-Release. Eight packs, sleeves, Promo card, and a tournament, or just buy a bunch of seperate cards for your deck for more money? Pre-Release, go to it dude.
RE: Pre release


Its a much better deal and you have a great time. And from my pre-releases i usually get something good
RE: Pre release

zibick said:
So as we all know the hs-undaunted pre-release is coming up and I wanted to know, What would be a better idea.

Should I NOT go to the pre-release and just buy the cards I need for a deck that I would build in the fututre


Should I go to the pre-release get a lot more cards and sell any cards I don't want?

please & thanx

I'd go with the second option.
RE: Pre release

Prerelease's are more fun. You get to test out new cards, you get 2 free packs on top of the 6, you get nifty sleeves which you can use or sell, and you get a poster. Maybe. I get a poster at my PR. You can always go to your PR, see which cards you get, then buy the rest individually. Individual cards can be pricey. Go for the PR.
RE: Pre release

sturtle said:
Prerelease's are more fun. You get to test out new cards, you get 2 free packs on top of the 6, you get nifty sleeves which you can use or sell, and you get a poster. Maybe. I get a poster at my PR. You can always go to your PR, see which cards you get, then buy the rest individually. Individual cards can be pricey. Go for the PR.

lol, it's fun to see how many prereleases you can go in a row undefeated! I started playing competitively when GE was released, and that prerelease forward I've never lost any prerelease match! (lol, if only I could do that where it mattered!)
RE: Pre release

If I had the extra money, I would go to every prerelease I could find. It's a nice discount. Here's how I see it:

1 pack=roughly 3.50
Prerelease= $25
3.50(Price of one pack)x8(How many packs you get)=28 dollars
Oh yea, and usually the promo is playable and really good (Blastoise is playable, Pichu wasn't, and Leafeon is definatly playable) plus it's limited edition, so I would price it at at least 3 dollars, depending on the card
Sleeves are pretty crappy, but are collectable, I'd price them at 5 dollars each
So you save...36-25=$9
Now 3 prerelease savings equal 27 dollars, which is more than enough to get you another prerelease, so it's "free"
RE: Pre release

Go. It's fun, you meet new people, you get sleeves, you win more packs, you can trade for cards you need, you save money, blahblahblah. It's awesome.
RE: Pre release

Rikko145 said:
lol, it's fun to see how many prereleases you can go in a row undefeated! I started playing competitively when GE was released, and that prerelease forward I've never lost any prerelease match! (lol, if only I could do that where it mattered!)

Well then, you may be in for a surprise here, cuz the most powerful card you will see in the prerelease is a common: Sneasel from Neo Genesis, reprint. Good luck to those who get it, as well as Mawile and togetic.

Anyway, prerelease all the way, and in fact I just came back from a second (didn't take part though, but will do for next week's). It's a fun atmosphere, and personally it's a better place to test your skill. A lot of people say that booster drafts are all about luck of the draw, but luck doesn't help you sift through the crap and get the gems. And you learn how to get creative and build a strong deck from the "crap" you pull out too. I saw a winning deck using his lone Skarmory to pull out metal energy from the deck and attachin it to his lone scizor, while keeping other attackers at bay with just Murkrow to hit for 10.

On the set itself, I think Mismagius, tho at 80HP, can be a good Poltergeist sub for Gengar. Also beware future decks with Vileplume techs. Overall the set is okay, there's a pretty decent supporter in there (TR's something, draw two cards and ouropponent discards one from hs hand) that can be good for sablelock. Energy Exchanger makes LuxChomp even more broken, alowing you to switch any energy card from your hand with any other energy card in your deck (DCE anyone?) Good thing it's not tourney legal at Worlds, lol.

I got a raichu prime and slowking prime btw, and traded from two KG legend top, to be in use for my future deck.

EDIT: Btw, I assume no one has scanned the cards for the site yet? Anyone knows what the required the scan reso is?
RE: Pre release

go to the prerelease, the packs are a good deal, the sleeves and promos are cool, and they're really fun.
RE: Pre release


Definitely attend the prerelease, you get a bargain on packs, get nice sleeves, and get a promo card, all for $25.

You also get the fun of building a deck out of luck and what you pull. :)