Premier Ball or Level Max

Inigo Montoya

Hatman/Imakuni?/Not Not-TDL
Why is Premier Ball played none where as Level Max is all the hype? With Premier Ball you don't even have to flip a coin, and you can search your discard too. With Level Max you can only search your deck, and you have to flip a coin. What's the deal?

(Also, I'm not sure where else this would go. Mods, please move this if it isn't in the right form.)
Because even though there's a coin flip, it lets you level up your bench so your Lv.Xs can get out faster
Wait, Level Max has been hyped lately? Unless I'm missing something, I don't really remember Level Max becoming popular. IMO, Premier Ball >>>> Level Max due to Discard search and you don't have to flip. In some cases I see Level Max being used, but more so Premier Ball.
NO Level Max! Coin flip isn't worth it. Also, some Lv. X pokemon have Lv up affecting powers, like Bright look.
thanks to most lvx pokemon having free retreat, premier ball is the much better option regardless.

I can see level max being better in some situations like heatran etc but i'd still prefer premier ball the warp point/energy.

Since when has level max been getting hype?
same here..I hate lvl max except for uxie x or maybe machamp..but still premier ball is better. i've seen 0 lvl max played at any cities
Premeir Ball>Level Max. Sometimes, Level Max helps on the bench, but in general, I've seen more Premeir Ball.
Premeir Ball is way better than Lv. Max. Unless you run a Lv.X that can't be active for risk of being one-shotted (ex: Heatran, Shaymin, Uxie, ect).
Huh. Thats weird. I've never seen a Premier Ball played other than in my decks. Its always been Lvel Max for everyone in my area.
The only deck I would ever play level max in is AMU which sucks anyway. And even so, I still played premier ball in that as well.
uhm i guess both arent being played that widely cuzx of trainer lock....but if it comes to PremB vs LM...PremB anyday...unless your running heatran x...which you shouldnt...
They're pretty much the same thing except premier ball doesn't make you do the face of shame when I flip a tail's, cause there's no flip, not to mention but by the time you get a lvl max in your hand it might as well be a premier ball (I never started out with lvl max). cya
varit, they're not the same thing except for the flip. They have differences that do matter in that Level Max lets you Level-up on the bench and Premier Ball lets you search the discard.
You didn't even bother to read the text for premier ball, it say's deck or discard pile buddy. cya
Uhm he was talkin about DIFFERENCES didnt even bother to read his comment xD
scizorliscious said:
They have differences that do matter in that Level Max lets you Level-up on the bench and Premier Ball lets you search the discard.
Notice I said DIFFERENCES. Those are the two. They matter. BOTH let you search your deck; therefore, that is not a difference, so I did not mention it.
varit said:
You didn't even bother to read the text for premier ball, it say's deck or discard pile buddy. cya
You didn't even bother to read my post, it says differences buddy. cya
Level Max is hyped since when now? You would only use it for LV.X Pokemon that need to be on the Bench, such as Heatran or possibly Shaymin. And those are few and far between, so Premier Ball outclasses it in almost every way.