prestates tourny 2nd round parings r up

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RE: prestates tourny 1st round parings r up

gashmoigan said:
thank you for telling me the mistakes. But you say all of them were reversed? If that is true than the game stands. But, did your game end on time? That would change the whole situation

that im not really sure of. considering the length of 2nd game only, where i got 4 prizes then he scooped up and the fact that i was playing speedchamp and he got all basics (SP but 1 was with guard this time) im guessing the game finished quickly but im not really sure.
RE: prestates tourny 1st round parings r up

Pokekid Brandon and I played and I won.
RE: prestates tourny 1st round parings r up

Sore Loser.. oh yea that's totally me. lol

I think someone is a little over-steamed. I think you need to take a nap, kid.

When does Round 3 Start Gash?
RE: prestates tourny 1st round parings r up

Yeah when are the pairings for next round? Come on people lets get these results in. :)
RE: prestates tourny 1st round parings r up

the next round starts... when everyone gets their stuff in. But if some people take to long, then it will end sunday
RE: prestates tourny 1st round parings r up

I have recieved no conformation from Pokekid Brandon, Lunarwing, or Rayquaza95. They have all been cut from the tourny. Now we only have 9 players, there will only be three rounds but there will still be top 4 cut. Pairings will be up real soon
What the heck? I posted here that I beat Pokekid Brandon. If you look at post #42 then you'll see that I did say something about our game.
gash just a minor correction i won and chanman lost so you got the standings in the front page reversed heehhe
Here to confirm my win with ESP. What a close game. Came down to me just KOing his Pokemon for that last prize with one no turns to spare.
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