Price Guide


Climbing the stairs to the top

I was wondering what most people use as their personal price guides.

I've noticed a lot of people go by Troll & Toad prices. Here's my view.

I believe that almost all online sites outside of ebay overprice their items. They have buy lists with prices that are pretty low and then they have sell prices which are rather high.
On ebay, I feel like one can get the best sense of a card's true price. I find this so because ebay auctions are up to date with what people are willing to pay at the highest, so I use ebay completed listings as my price guide.

Please give your opinion on this topic too, as it should benefit most everyone. Thanks :D
Dude, the one that isn't a price guide is eBay. Use TnT, sure they don't buy as much as they sell, but it's generaly spot on (not always, but 90% of the time). If unsure, just go to your leauge and ask a player that you know has been playing for a while and performs well at events.
I think people massively overrate how expensive T&T is, to be honest. They're only bad for buying the latest metagame-desired chase card of the moment, but then again eBay usually is too, and for most other things their prices for singles are generally reasonable, especially compared to other online card sites that sell singles.
On TrollandToad, Darkrai EX was $70. At the same time, it was $55 on Ebay.

If your the seller, go by T&T, if your the buyer, go by Ebay. :p

For older cards that have usually balanced out by now, TrollandToad is usually about the same price.
From what I've seen, a lot of Ebay seller base off Trollandtoad prices.

I know I go to TrollandToad, find out what the card is going for, and knock it down 5-10$ and that's how I list it on Ebay. You can't really gauge an item's value without going to a different source, and gauging off other Ebay prices doesn't do you much because you don't know where the value for the item came from.
How is TnT the most reasonable with their prices? Where do they pull their prices from? This is why I like ebay, especially completed auctions, but also the completed buy-it-now's, because it shows the highest people are willing to pay for a card as time goes on. With another online site, they company chooses the price, so what's there to justify it?
Personally, I prefer to use TnT for newer cards although sometimes eBay is more accurate.

I almost always go by eBay prices on out-of-print cards and merchandise. Going by eBay completed listings, you can see how much people are willing to pay for certain cards. There are always fluctuations in values and there are always lucky deals on both ends. However, in my opinion, eBay completed listings are typically more reliable.
Daelum said:
How is TnT the most reasonable with their prices?

I've browsed many different singles sites since I've gotten back into the TCG in 2009. For some commons and uncommons, and most regular and holo rares, T&T has the cheapest prices. Once in a while, GamingETC has slightly lower prices than T&T. For uncommons and commons, professor-oak is good if the cards are eligible for the 25=$5 deal while eBay is BY FAR the worst since Buy It Now listings have a minimum.

Chase cards, and especially ones that are desired by players, are scattershot no matter the site, and particularly if the set is new like Darkrai-EX right now or Mewtwo-EX back in February. eBay is easily the best place to get Japanese promos and such though, and it's probably the best site to score deals on older chase cards or popular holos from the older days.

Collector's Cache always has higher prices for everything, and gatheringground has no option to combine shipping when they charge like $3 to ship per card (total scam site IMO since they draw people in with "$0.01" prices on a lot of cards and then slam you on shipping charges.)

So, yeah, generally I feel that T&T is the best site to buy singles, although you're more likely to score a freak deal on eBay.
Chaoscards, decent prizes and ships really fast to me.
I use ebay as a prize guide because its easier to see what others are asking for prize.