Discussion Prices Way Up and Stock Way Down - Is this Because of Regionals?


Aspiring Trainer
So I've been collecting full art supporters. Two weeks ago the prices were normal. Now any of the from B&W seem to have barely any stock and are 30%+ over market price. Am I safe to assume this is due to regionals or are these cards seriously tanking in available stock. I get that they're going to be expensive, but seeing something like Juniper and Bianca be $15 more seems crazy.
Not just because of Regionals. Most events in the U.S are now going to be expanded, so more players have a reason to buy more cards, and that's where supply and demand come into play. I actually doubt many of these cards will go down in price, since people will be buying them for the time being. What's likely going to happen is that once these cards go up enough in price, less players will buy them, but they'll still sell, meaning that they'll settle at some high price and possibly creep down from there.
Makes sense. Guess I'm gonna have a fun time filling out the rest of B&W. Once I finish that though anything going forward will probably be much easier.