Primal Clash Leaks / Camerupt-EX, Sharpedo-EX, and M Gardevoir-EX [12/28]

RE: Camerupt-EX, Sharpedo-EX, and M Gardevoir-EX from 'Primal Clash' [12/28]

Really loving the artwork! Primal Clash looks like a very neat set!
RE: Camerupt-EX, Sharpedo-EX, and M Gardevoir-EX from 'Primal Clash' [12/28]

These scans look good so far. The new names for some of the attacks are kind of uninteresting. I prefer 'Eruption' in comparison to 'Explosive Jet'. Same thing goes for 'Prowl After' in contrast to 'Hunt'.
RE: Camerupt-EX, Sharpedo-EX, and M Gardevoir-EX from 'Primal Clash' [12/28]

Can anyone make out the card numbers at the bottom? The only one I am having trouble with is Sharpedo-EX. With various image alteration techniques, it looks like 91/160, but I cannot verify this with certainty. Has anyone else had any luck?
RE: Camerupt-EX, Sharpedo-EX, and M Gardevoir-EX from 'Primal Clash' [12/28]

The latest number here is 156/160 on M. Gardevoir EX. Took me a minute to realize that was the FA version, at first I was like that doesn't look like a fairy card.

Lots of good stuff, will not be cheap to get.
RE: Camerupt-EX, Sharpedo-EX, and M Gardevoir-EX from 'Primal Clash' [12/28]

Pikachu6319 said:
The latest number here is 156/160 on M. Gardevoir EX. Took me a minute to realize that was the FA version, at first I was like that doesn't look like a fairy card.

Lots of good stuff, will not be cheap to get.

Hopefully the playable non-EX's don't get that expensive, because I don't plan on getting any packs for this set until my birthday. I just want individual cards, namely the following:

-Ancient Magcargo (I have too many Slugmas that I need to use for a deck, so might as well get this guy. He's good.)
-Ancient Torchic (Need it for my Blaziken FUF deck)
-Blaziken (Hate the guy, but it works well with the above deck)
-Ancient Rhyperior (Need to find a use for my Rhyhorns, and the card is really playable, so it's a win-win.)
-Hippowdon (I need a good Machamp combo, and I like this one more than Medicham.)
-Ancient Excadrill (Amazing artwork, and an overall really good card.)
-Aegislash (A good 1-of in my AegislashXY/Bronzong deck)
-Flygon (Really playable, love Flygon, it's a Holo, isn't it obvious?)
-Ancient Bunnelby (Might not get this one, but I think that he's at least playable. Need a Diggersby XY combo anyway.)
-Teammates (I run a lot of Stage 2 decks, so this will be helpful in every situation. Heck, even Basic and Stage 1 decks can use this!)
-Memory Shrine (I want to run a Night March Gourgeist deck, but I can't afford Celebi-EX, so this is the next best option)
-Scorching Earth (Just an overall good card. Blaziken tech)
-Ancient Swampert (Really fantastic card, but might be really expensive on launch, so might wait.)
-Milotic (Same situation as Magcargo.)
-Eelektross (Excadrill combo and overall good card. Great for expanded!)
-Starmie (See Milotic and Magcargo for reference)
-Silent Lab (Good card)
-Archie's Trump Card (Maybe. If the text is right, it should be great with my Greninja XY deck.)
RE: Camerupt-EX, Sharpedo-EX, and M Gardevoir-EX from 'Primal Clash' [12/28]

Hopefully none of the cards will get that expensive. I don't plan on buying too many loose packs (probably both ETB's and blisters though) most I will find a way to get individually, and that's part of the problem. While some are manageable some can be pretty annoying to have to buy.

Definently want that ancient trait Excadrill though. That one shouldn't be too bad I would think.
RE: Camerupt-EX, Sharpedo-EX, and M Gardevoir-EX from 'Primal Clash' [12/28]

GadgetJax said:
These scans look good so far. The new names for some of the attacks are kind of uninteresting. I prefer 'Eruption' in comparison to 'Explosive Jet'. Same thing goes for 'Prowl After' in contrast to 'Hunt'.

I've noticed that english attack names always sound less cool than japanese
(except PLB)
RE: Camerupt-EX, Sharpedo-EX, and M Gardevoir-EX from 'Primal Clash' [12/28]

I think Sharpedo Ex is 90/160 because if you take all the cards from Gaia Volcano and Tidal Storm and order them based on National Pokedex number and type Sharpedo ends up at either 89 or 90.
RE: Camerupt-EX, Sharpedo-EX, and M Gardevoir-EX from 'Primal Clash' [12/28]

4-4 M Gardevoir in Fairybox anyone?

Geomancy 3x to start the game and you have at least 7 energy in play (210 damage) knocking any non-Mega (except Wailord) and even some Megas...
RE: Camerupt-EX, Sharpedo-EX, and M Gardevoir-EX from 'Primal Clash' [12/28]

MegaAbsol359 said:
GadgetJax said:
These scans look good so far. The new names for some of the attacks are kind of uninteresting. I prefer 'Eruption' in comparison to 'Explosive Jet'. Same thing goes for 'Prowl After' in contrast to 'Hunt'.

I've noticed that english attack names always sound less cool than japanese
(except PLB)

Agreed. Plasma Blast had the best attack names out of any set. "Strike Of The Champion", "Kick Of Righteousness", and who could forget "Iron Fist Of Justice?" So classic :D
RE: Camerupt-EX, Sharpedo-EX, and M Gardevoir-EX from 'Primal Clash' [12/28]

I remember a Mawile with "Big Ol' Bite" as the name of its attack.
RE: Camerupt-EX, Sharpedo-EX, and M Gardevoir-EX from 'Primal Clash' [12/28]

Reggie McGigas said:
I remember a Mawile with "Big Ol' Bite" as the name of its attack.

LOL Plasma Freeze

AnyRandomName said:
Can anyone make out the card numbers at the bottom? The only one I am having trouble with is Sharpedo-EX. With various image alteration techniques, it looks like 91/160, but I cannot verify this with certainty. Has anyone else had any luck?

I really have no idea.
Looks like Expedition Base Set may have some competition though.
RE: Camerupt-EX, Sharpedo-EX, and M Gardevoir-EX from 'Primal Clash' [12/28]

Maserati777 said:
I think Sharpedo Ex is 90/160 because if you take all the cards from Gaia Volcano and Tidal Storm and order them based on National Pokedex number and type Sharpedo ends up at either 89 or 90.

It kind of looks like 81 to me.
RE: Camerupt-EX, Sharpedo-EX, and M Gardevoir-EX from 'Primal Clash' [12/28]

Pretty sure Sharpedo EX is 91/160, as AnyRandomName said.
RE: Camerupt-EX, Sharpedo-EX, and M Gardevoir-EX from 'Primal Clash' [12/28]
RE: Camerupt-EX, Sharpedo-EX, and M Gardevoir-EX from 'Primal Clash' [12/28]

Regular Mega and Full Art Mega Gardevoir aren't secret rares, this could mean that the secret rare item cards could be the only secret rares.
RE: Camerupt-EX, Sharpedo-EX, and M Gardevoir-EX from 'Primal Clash' [12/28]

So any word how these people got the cards early? or are these cards all hoax cards?
RE: Camerupt-EX, Sharpedo-EX, and M Gardevoir-EX from 'Primal Clash' [12/28]

They must have an uncle who works at Nintendo.