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Standard Primal Punishment (Primal Groudon EX / Landorus)

Peter Torres

Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 12
  • 4 Landorus (Furious Fist)
  • 3 Groudon EX
  • 3 Primal Groudon (Primal Clash)
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 36
  • 4 Korina
  • 3 Professor Sycamore
  • 2 Judge
  • 2 Lysandre
  • 1 Teammates
  • 3 Robo Substitute
  • 2 Switch
  • 1 Escape Rope
  • 2 Groudon Spirit Link
  • 3 Focus Sash
  • 2 Tool Retriver
  • 2 Mega Turbo
  • 4 VS Seeker
  • 1 Professor's letter
  • 2 Battle Compressor
  • 4 Silent Lab
Energy: 12
  • 8 Fighting Energy
  • 4 Strong Energy

Thanks to Kelceon-X, he had a great analysis on the deck for Primal Groudon!
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Firstly, Groudon has its own deck and actually placed second at Florida Regionals just a week ago. The pilot was also my brother, with a list that we've been brainstorming since Groudon's printing, so Groudon is already pretty fearsome. ;)

But to your list, I think there's a far easier option if you want to go the acceleration route. Have you considered Landorus from Furious Fists? This card, for one Fighting Energy, deals 20 damage and accelerates a Basic Energy from your Discard Pile onto one of your benched Pokemon. It's pretty much what Garchomp does, but on a Basic. Now, I realize you want to pile on a bunch of Strong Energy on a Groudon, but wouldn't it just be easier to attach them from your hand straight up, whilst quickly powering up a Groudon with a Landorus? I mean, in my experience, you typically only need about one Strong anyway.

Another thing I noticed is you don't play Focus Sash. Focus Sash is an incredible item in Groudon decks because your opponent cannot remove it with a Xerosic or a Startling Megaphone -- they pretty much have to hit you to your Sash. In other words, you have two free attacks with Groudon. One when you come active, and one after the Sash was hit. But even better, you can Focus Sash your Landorus to where they can survive yet another turn to power up your Groudon. Now, since you need to attack and Primal in the same turn, you will have to use the Spirit Link, taking up Focus Sash's slot. What I used to remedy this when I played what we're talking about was Tool Retriever. This also allowed me to remove Head Ringer.

Now, with all that being said, here are the changes I would make to your list:

-3 Garchomp //Reasons stated above
-3 Gible
-3 Rare Candy //No need without the Stage 2
-2 Judge //You'll see in a minute!
Subtotal: -11 cards, 49 cards in deck

+4 Landorus //Reasons stated above
+2 Professor Sycamore //Not only does it draw you a bucket load of cards, but it also discards Energy that you can attach with Landorus and Mega Turbo. This was Judge.
+3 Focus Sash //Reasons stated above
+2 Tool Retriever //Reasons stated above

Those are the changes I'd make. Although, I also might play another Switch. Starting Groudon is literally the worst thing ever unless the matchup is, like, Sableye.

I appreciate the input so so much. I actually posted a decklist with landorus not to long ago and no one really replied to it. Im really excited to test this out as I have loved playing groudon since it's release. With Lucario/Garchomp now starting to become a thing, I thought that I would show who's the better of the two by starting to play groudon. I actually once played a deck similar to what you stated in the corrections to my deck, but i couldn't replicate the deck at all because the individual never did tell me how many of each he was playing. I will play the hell out of this deck to see what I like about it. It's fairly similar to what I originally planned to play it with (Landorus) but i dumped the idea because wobuffet seemed to be a better... option? This far into the meta game personally, and with my fair share of quick drawing decks (raichu/crobat, nightmarch, and just playing decks with shaymin in general), this deck does not play as similar as those and I've had to adjust according to that. Thanks for the input, I am for sure going to test this deck out, I feel you corrected the areas of my deck that it was lacking immensely.
Well, the deck has no room for shaymins in my opinion and groudon is already slow as it is. In order to play shaymins in the deck, I would need to incorporate ultra balls, which the deck does not necessarily need. Additionally, playing Korina you are already searching for your big key items like primal groudon and any item for any particular situation. Sure, playing shaymins in the deck may speed the deck up, but I'm not sure I could fit them into the deck. Let me know to take certain things out, and Ill be glad to test it out!
Will the coming Carbink break a good partner of Primal Groudon ex? Pros: it accelerates 2 energies, also retrieve strong energyIt has safeguard ability to beat Giratina ex. Cons: it needs to be evolve.
With only 7 Basic Pokemon, chances are high you will mulligan several times, yielding your opponent extra cards at the beginning of the game. This could lead to several advantages for your opponent. I would suggest increasing your Judge count to mitigate this risk.
I actually would like to increase the speed of the deck. And what I mean is that, most of the time I get dead draws because I have nothing to look for anything. I have vs seekers, but they are useless when I only draw robo subs or energies. Im considering dropping some cards to make room for some trainers mails, but I'm not too sure. What are you thoughts, and if I were to include them into the deck, what cards should I get rid of?
To help increase your setup speed, consider incorporating a few Ultra Balls. For example, you could replace 1 Korrina and 3 Robo Subs with 3 Ultra Balls and another Judge or Professor Birch.

Hawlucha (FFI) is a free-retreating, Fighting Pokémon that can terrorize opponents' EX Pokémon; I would suggest Hawlucha is worth considering.
Hey guys, just wanted to update the deck on how it did this past weekend at a tournament! I actually did not too bad, I toped 4 out of 30 players at the venue and played a lot of Greninja/Greninja break, and surprising enough a flareon ex/team magma's camerupt deck. In regards to the flareon deck, the camerupt got the energies from the discard pile to the bench and flareon's ability brought the energy straight to flareon. An interesting concept, because the groudon deck had some trouble with this deck out of all the matchups, but came out on top with the W. I lost to garchomp/Lucario due to no supporter draw, and the same issue occurred playing one round of greninja. Overall, the deck did a lot of work and managed to do fairly well. If i had to change something about the deck, I would have considered possibly running a pokemon center lady over the teammates, or running one more mega turbo as it helped me win my matchup against 3 of the matches.