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Primordial Glacier -- Archeops and Kyurem -- Modified


Was once Boddy903
Hello all. This is my first attempt at making a deck, so give me deep criticism. I'll mostly be using this deck for the online game, although if it proves successful, I may consider making it my own deck.

Pokemon (17)
x4 Kyurem (Noble Victories)
x4 Archen (Noble Victories)
x3 Archeops (Noble Victories)
x1 Terrakion (Noble Victories)
x2 Jirachi (Call of Legends)
x3 Cleffa (Call of Legends)

Trainers (24)
x3 Professor Juniper (Black and White)
x3 Interviewer's Questions (Unleashed)
x3 Pokemon Collector (HeartGold and SoulSilver)
x4 Plume Fossil (Noble Victories)
x4 Switch (Black and White)
x4 Junk Arm (Triumphant)
x3 Good Rod (Unleashed)

3 Psychic Energy
4 Rainbow Energy (HeartGold and SoulSilver)
9 Water Energy
3 Double Colorless Energy

Current Total

The exploitation of Archeops's Ability is the main point of this deck. By locking the opponent from evolving, they have little opportunity to get ahead. By using a combination of Research Record, Junk Arm, and Good Rod, I can get Archen to the bottom of my deck easily. Then, I can quickly evolve Archeops, and use Kyurem to quickly destroy the opponent, as well as Terrakion as support. Jirachi can also mess with the opponent by removing their evolved Pokemon, potentially stopping the Trainer-Lock.
Id like to ask how this deck has been testing for you because many people have told me that it is hard for them to get the archen off of plume fossil. But I see that this deck might have a weakness to a quick trainerlock deck because you rely on rare candy and plume fossil to set up. I think you might be able to take out a few fighting energy in order to add in some things (such as a croconaw) to aid you against this matchup.
Well, I haven't tested out yet, because I wanted to know what you guys thought from hindsight. But, a little while after posting this, I found out that Rare Candy actually does not bypass this effect, so I'm gonna have to come up with a new strategy. I know that this deck is seriously threatened by Vileplume, so what I was thinking about doing was adding Jirachi (Call of Legends). I only need one psychic energy to do it, but I can pack more of any kind as I need.
Sorry to break it to you, but there is a new ruling that makes rare candy useless to archeops' ability. http://pokegym.net/forums/showthread.php?t=156897

EDIT: new ruling states that archeops stops rare candy!
Ok, so first off, I don't know what Researcher's Questions is. So if I get that part wrong I'm sorry. Whatever it is I don't think it is needed.

-x4 Researcher's Questions (Unleashed)

If you are going to get an Archeops, or even just an Archen onto the field I would strongly suggest making that your top priority, it just won't work any other way. If Archeops is your top priority, then having any other evolution cards is not only distracting from that goal but completely defeating the purpose. So the following cards are not contributing to the goal of the deck, therefore making it cluttered:

x4 Totodile (HeartGold and SoulSilver)
x2 Feraligatr Prime (Heartgold and SoulSilver
x4 Rare Candy (Unleashed)

Now, Archeops is a cool card for a reason, and let me tell you, its for its ability, not for its attack. Terrakion seems to be in here only because of its shared energy typing with Archeops, but if there is not much point in attacking with Archeops then he becomes a random pokemon to have in the deck, seeing as you don't really have a huge {L} weakness. So the following cards seem as though they are not serving a huge purpose:

x2 Terrakion (Noble Victories)
x9 Fighting Energy

And in the case of pokedex there are just better cards

x3 Pokedex (Black and White)

Now, what to replace these cards with...

To go along with the idea that you need more ways to thin your deck I would add in Professor Juniper or Sage's Training, It is really up to personal preference, but I think Juniper is better for that fact that you know what you are discarding and you probably won't end up getting rid of an Archen or Plume Fossil. You also need a way to keep Archen out of your hand so that Plume Fossil will work. Pokemon Communication fits that bill nicely. It is also really nice to be able to use those fossils more often in case you whiff on them, making Junk Arm very usefull. So, to dramatically increase the odds of getting out your Archen add:

4 Juniper/Sage
4 Pokemon Communication
4 Junk Arm

One thing I foresee happening to your Archeops a lot is that it will be brought up with catcher. Now, if you have gotten it out fast enough to stop your opponents setup then your Archeops should be mostly safe, but it still needs to get back safely to the bench. Now, there are a few different ways to remedy this problem: you reverse their progress, or make it easy to get Archeops back to the bench were it belongs. I suggest doing some of Both. Jirachi is the way to reverse your opponent's setup, and you can bring back Archeops by teching in a Dodrio line, or plenty of switch. So basically add these:

2 Jirachi
3 Psychic energy
3 Rainbow energy ( to attack with Jirachi and still usable with Kyurem)
4 switch or 2-2 Dodrio ( your choice)

And the last few open spots I would fill with some consistency boosters and/or recovery cards such as Professor Oaks New Theory, N, Cleffa, one more research record, Super Rod, Flower Shop Lady, etc.

OH YEAH, I almost forgot. I kept one of the Terrakions in there because I see ZPST giving this deck a lot of trouble (seeing as it has zero evolutions) he is also another reason for the rainbow energies

I hope that I could help, good luck with the deck and I hope you don't mind that I changed quite a bit, I did try to stick to the main Idea of the deck.
Lol, I didn't notice that. It's Interviewer's Questions, sorry.

I really appreciate all your help. I think I'll take all of that into account. I see this deck running smoothly now. However, I have a question. What do you think about the possibility of adding in Good Rod? That way, should a Fossil or Archen find its way into the Discard Pile, I can use it to bring them back on top of the deck, then to the bottom with Research Record?

I've updated the decklist with cards I've removed and added. Now, I am left with 55 cards. Any ideas on what to add/get rid of yet?
I know that Vileplume can lock me, but that's where Jirachi comes in. I can use its attack, which allows me to remove any stage 2 and stage 1's I want for every energy attached to Jirachi. The Vileplume (and hopefully the Gloom) are forced back into the opponent's hand, and because Archeops's ability will be in effect, they cannot evolve them again.
Boddy903 said:
I know that Vileplume can lock me, but that's where Jirachi comes in. I can use its attack, which allows me to remove any stage 2 and stage 1's I want for every energy attached to Jirachi. The Vileplume (and hopefully the Gloom) are forced back into the opponent's hand, and because Archeops's ability will be in effect, they cannot evolve them again.

when/if archeops is knocked out you cant play him without using the item card plume fossil.
That's where the Switches come in. In order to keep Archeops from being knocked out, I'm going to need a heavy fluctuation of Switches and strong Basics to make sure he does not end up as an Active Pokemon. However, should Archeops be knocked out, hopefully I can set up Jirachi, take the Vileplume (and Gloom) back into the opponent's hand, and quickly set up a Good Rod + Research Record + Plume Fossil combination. This is the main strategy of the deck, but I need more cards that can compliment this set-up, since I have space for 5 more cards. Come on people, I need ideas!

Since I still haven't gotten much help, I think I'm gonna add in at least 2 DCE and some Cleffa. I've been testing these additions on PlayTCG, and they work well together.
How do you test on playtcg? I'm wondering because it doesn't allow you to manipulate cards on the bottom of your deck.
Looks really consistent, but the big question is what the hell are you gonna do against zekrom?

Terrakion will probably help, but I'm not sure if it'll prevent the autoloss. I'd also maybe make room for Communication or some sort of draw supporter. Maybe N just in case you get stuck with some archens in your hand.
Well, since I can't use Research Record on playtcg, I just added in a few more trainers to make up for it, such as Communication and Juniper, but I'm pretty sure it would work better with it. Some DCE are actually really helpful, because they work well with Kyurem's attack, and I can use it to retreat Archeops right away because it only requires two energy. I actually haven't played against that many Zekrom decks lately, but I'm actually having a hard time getting Terrakion prepped for him. Any ideas?
I meant how do you do plume fossil? As for the deck, there's nothing you can do about zpst. Just accept the autoloss. As for magneel, you can shut down their energy acceleration and heavy hitter, so that's a good matchup.
Yeah, I've actually won against a few of those decks, lol. As for Plume fossil, I just ask my opponent whether they trust me to search the bottom 7. If they don't then I just draw the top 7 and search from there.
Oh, I see. That's probably the best way to do it. When it comes out, Twist mountain will be a godsend for this deck.
Exactly what I've been thinking. I really like this deck, even though a lot of people have been saying that it is not good. Twist Mountain would be a perfect addition, especially considering the fact that I often get Archen out on the first draw. I won't have to constantly rely on Plume Fossil. Oh, what a world that'll be.