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Primordial Glacier -- Archeops and Kyurem -- Modified

You definitely should put Pokemon communication in here because archen is 100% a dead card if it's in your hand. You need to be able to get it back into your deck! :)
Pretty decent list, I run something similar to it but here's what I've done with my experience playing this.

Catcher, it sucks like hell to get Terrakion's dragged out because of it's gigantic retreat cost. Granted, you run a heavier switch line than I do, which is good. I've been in a huge toss up about which is better to use for this deck, Terrakion or Landrous. Personally, I like the Landorus a bit better because it allows me to Junk Arm energies instead of other cards which have more use than energies, only to Abundant Harvest them back onto Landorus later.

About Research Records, personally I find it really useless. I mean, sure it can be nice when you see Archen in the top four, you can move it to the bottom, making your Plume Fossil 100% successful, but what happens when you don't really know what to look at? Do you Research first finding nothing and then Plume after going through a total of 11 cards (Approx 25%) of your deck to find it? I've played it without and the space taken up instead of it has been really beneficial to me. Using Plume Fossil to grab Archens from the bottom of your deck isn't that difficult when you run 4 Junk Arms, 4 Plume Fossil and 4 Archen. For the same reason, I feel that Good Rod isn't needed either since you should be able to get an Archen off of the potential 8 Plume Fossils that you would be able to use. Perhaps replace with Super Rod instead.

Interviewer's Questions - Drop, simple as that.

I noticed no draw supporters... Not really sure why. In my list, I have 4 PONT, 3 Juniper and 3 Cheren to dig for more Plume Fossil/Junk Arms and to toss out the dead cards that are in my hand at the moment.

Might also want to consider dropping the Water Energy count to put in some basic Fighting Energy. Lost remover is such a jerk card and has been commonly teched into decks that have the room for it. It's a really unexpected tech for now and seeing as how you don't run any basic Fighting Energy, Lost Remover can make your Terrakions completely useless.
I've made a few changes to the decklist based on what I've been seeing is needed in my deck. I took out Research Record mainly due to the fact that it doesn't work on PlayTCG, and I've added DCE as they work really well with Kyurem, and some Cleffas just for support. I've also added in some Junipers, as they work really well. I'm still not sure whether or not dropping Interviewer's Questions is a good idea. Most of the time I've played this deck, I've been at a loss for energy cards, and this really does work wonders. However, I think I may drop the Good Rod, because now that Research is gone, it really doesn't serve a purpose. I may actually add in some Landorus.