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Prismic V-Power (Neo-Corners + VictiniEX)


Arrogant Prick Who Theorymons Too Much
Another one of my semi odd deck ideas based on the Plasma Storm cards. This time it's a VictiniEX version of the old "Corners" style of deck. Basically, these decks ran every type of attacker that works well in the format and use whatever the opposing deck is most weak to. This deck is based around the same concept, but with VictiniEX as a first turn energy boost.

Pokemon: 12
VictiniEX x2 [Explained in above paragraph. Also, with Victory Piece attached, can donk any fire weak EXs or basics with 50 hp or less]

DarkraiEX x2 [Mostly for Dark Cloak, not very many cards are actually weak to dark]

TerrakionEX / Terrakion (NV) x2. This is one thing I need a bit of help with. I know normal terrakion is usually better, but TerrakionEX's Pump Up Smash seems to work with the basic energy acceleration feel of the deck.

Keldeo EX x2 [I predict fire's usage to rise a bit, and with a dark energy attached, Rush In essentially gives my entire board free retreat]

Mewtwo EX x2 [Obligatory Mewtwo is Obligatory(Side note, before it came out, I foolishly thought this guy was over-hyped)]

Virizion (EMP)x1 [Doesn't win you the Keldeo match up, but it defiantly helps. With Dark Cloaked Keldeo, deals a consistent 100 grass type damage every turn.]

Victini (NVI 15 "Benchtini")x1 [I know I just said I don't like this guy in a recent post, but with all the basics in here it should work. Plus, I need something to help swing the PlasmaKlang matchup]

Supporters: 12
Professor Juniper x 4
N x3
Skyla x3
Colress x2

Trainers: 20
Victory Piece [Really think this is the right choice, but Computer search, Dowsing Machine, or even Scramble Switch are also options.]
Ultra Ball x4
Pokemon Catcher x4
Eviolite x3
Exp. Share x2
Energy Switch x2
Energy Search x2
Super Rod x1
Tool Scrapper x1

Energy: 16
Prism x4
Fighting x3
Dark x3
Water x2
Fire x2
Grass x2

Potential additions.
Zekrom. LugiaEX has the potential to become really popular, so a normal basic that can one shot it, even if it has eviolite and Aspertia City Gym is up, is really powerful. But, this may require adding some basic lightning so it could be accelerated too.
Ho-ohEX. I liked the idea of it, but never found the room. Plus, another fire type EX meant only to energy accelerate in a format so water heavy? Maybe not such a good idea.
Hypnotoxic Laser. Because it's awesome.

Straight Darkrai: Mildly unfavorable - moderatly unfavorable
Keldeo/Blastoise: Suprisingly favorable
Eels: Favorable
Plasma Klinklang: Unfavorable, but not auto-loss
Quad Sigilyph: Mildly Favorable (You can't hurt them often, but they really can't hurt you at all if you recognize it early)

So, thoughts, comments, concerns?

- Violet
Violetwisp said:
P.S. Mods, how many decks are you allowed to post, and how early can we post [Future] decklists?

You can only have 1 deck per thread, but you may make multiple threads. You can post decks for the future as early as you would like.

And, yes, I'm going to yell at you for using 4 Colress :p

Despite what you plan on using on your first turn, you may not have exactly what you want. Sure, if you have Colress and another supporter T1, clearly you'll use the other supporter, but since you're relying on Colress as a crucial structure of your draw support, it won't be uncommon to have Colress as your only supporter. At that point, you'll barely be drawing any cards off of it, and since you can't draw enough cards, you won't be able to fill your bench like you plan to. It's why Colress isn't good as a 4-of even in something like Eels; because you need to have supporters early game to be able to fill your bench like that anyway. I do understand that this deck often fills its bench very quickly though, so I wouldn't mind seeing 2 of them in here, but that's the absolute maximum you should be running.

As Soul mentioned, you also need more supporters. 9 isn't close to enough consistency; I would suggest finding room for 4 Juniper as well as replacing 2 Colress with 2 N.
@Soul No juniper because the list was very tight, and I don't want to start discarding before I know what I'm dealing with, but if you can find room that'd be great.

@Blah I'll try it with two Colress to start, but I may revert if I find filling my bench to be easier then you think. If only we still had collector...
Take out some energy for the Juniper. It should be the first thing you add 4 of, not something that you can't use because you have to much. Despite not wanting to discard early, Juniper is just too good to pass up. Even decks like fighting decks that HATE discarding resources run 4 Juniper simply because we have no card that gives even close to the powerful draw that Juniper does.
Ok, changes so far
-2 colress
-1 energy switch
-1 Fire energy
-1 Water energy

+1 N
+4 Juniper
I really like your deck and staryed play testing with it and love it but if my count is right you have 20 trainers not 19 but still like the deck :)
Uhh, curse my lack of counting abilities. I took out one basic fighting to balance it out, what did you take out? Also, did you test Terrakion and TerrakionEX, or was one obviously better to you?
Right now I play with 2 terrakion ex and I toke out one benchtini as of right now but I'm testing sound with it I might wanted to add like 2 switch to increase the chance if starting with victini ex without needing victory piece
zapper1998 said:
Right now I play with 2 terrakion ex and I toke out one benchtini as of right now but I'm testing sound with it I might wanted to add like 2 switch to increase the chance if starting with victini ex without needing victory piece

What are you testing against? If you take out benchtini, you're essentially powerless against Plasma Klinklang once it's up.
I've been mostly playing against darkrai and kealdo decks I have not gotten to plasma storm testing yet