"Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Episode 53!

RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Going for 1500 subscribers! (Episode 20)

What's with no Flyphan review?!?! I was emotionally disturbed at no Flyphan review. DO A FLYPHAN REVIEW!!!


I love the shows. Very helpful. I didn't know they're were so many Donphan variants. But I still want a Flyphan review.
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Going for 1500 subscribers! (Episode 20)

I feel we're going to get LuxChomp/Lady Gaga this week

J-Wittz Hey everybody! Due to some work load and a little slowness on my part, episode 21 might not be ready until late tonight/early tomorrow. It's going to be on a very very popular and winning deck! (I'm sure you all can figure it out :p )
22 minutes ago · Comment · Like

straight from facebook
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Going for 1500 subscribers! (Episode 20)

Episode 21 on Luxchomp and Battle Roads week 2 is up! Check it out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43zuM9LBQB0 (nice guessing guys : P)
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Going for 1500 subscribers! (Episode 20)

Very nice vid however i noticed there wasn't any decklist. but the useful bit of info was tha there was no sinergy in luxchomp. i always thought that it has sinergy.

anyway next week you should do another Gyarados review. the old one is out of date.
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Going for 1500 subscribers! (Episode 20)

Just watched love how you mentioned Uxie's success, had a tournament 2 weeks back and a player there was adamant that uxie didn't work, even though he supposedly won benolux cup with shuppet donk (good to see these players knowing their deck history)
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Going for 1500 subscribers! (Episode 20)

The Pain said:
Just watched love how you mentioned Uxie's success, had a tournament 2 weeks back and a player there was adamant that uxie didn't work, even though he supposedly won benolux cup with shuppet donk (good to see these players knowing their deck history)

I honestly like uxie better than shuppet because you can run cyclone energy and double colorless (to get though the azelf MT lock), but it definitely is the granddaddy of the "draw through your whole deck in one turn" deck.
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Going for 1500 subscribers! (Episode 20)

JWittz said:
I honestly like uxie better than shuppet because you can run cyclone energy and double colorless (to get though the azelf MT lock), but it definitely is the granddaddy of the "draw through your whole deck in one turn" deck.

I know he so stuck that it didn't work because how do you get your pluspowers back???, erm uxie to draw your deck should be none existant after turn 1 right?
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Going for 1500 subscribers! (Episode 20)

The Pain said:
I know he so stuck that it didn't work because how do you get your pluspowers back???, erm uxie to draw your deck should be none existant after turn 1 right?

yeah, the right list will draw the entire deck out turn 1, especially with dual ball legal now
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Going for 1500 subscribers! (Episode 21)

The link in the description didn't work...
Just thought that you may want to know that.

Other than that, great video!
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Going for 1500 subscribers! (Episode 21)

I have an idea you should do a video on something less popular! I mean serously who doesn't know about LuxChomp.
(ding) Idea you should do a video about how, what, and what you could do to counter Luxchomp!

P.S. Everything is less popular than LuxChomp. lol ;)
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Going for 1500 subscribers! (Episode 21)

LuxChomp depresses me... It has so little strategy and managed to somehow be so good... It was a good video, though!
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Going for 1500 subscribers! (Episode 21)

Theres plenty of strategy in luxchomp, knowing how to pilot it, seeing the synergy in the deck to start with, knowing the right time to drag something active ( not just to kill but to also mess up your opponents set-up and attacks) also knowing when to retreat luxray and when to scoop it.

So please explain on how it lacks strategy, but its lost on me and possibly others
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Going for 1500 subscribers! (Episode 21)

I think he meant like between Luxray and Garchomp that theres no inherent strategy between them other than just kill whatever is out.
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Going for 1500 subscribers! (Episode 21)

I think thepain is responding to Rikko's claim about strategy, not mine about synergy.
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Going for 1500 subscribers! (Episode 21)

I subscribed :D
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Going for 1500 subscribers! (Episode 21)

So are you going to make an episode on the rotation?
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Going for 1500 subscribers! (Episode 21)

JWittz said:
I think thepain is responding to Rikko's claim about strategy, not mine about synergy.

Still, he's got a point. The first time I saw it I thought the guy was a newb and just threw together whatever. Which is probably how it started lol.
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Going for 1500 subscribers! (Episode 21)

Episode 22 on the MD-ON format rotation is up! Check it out! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJiHqmR5eEw
RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Going for 1500 subscribers! (Episode 22)

I LOLed at the beginning. One of the best yet!
Great episode!