Professor Exam results


Aspiring Trainer
I just took the Professor Exam and got a %70 so i obviously failed. But, I was wondering is a %70 considered good or did I do really bad?

*Sorry if this is the wrong section to post this, it seemed like the best area for it.
If it's your first time, 70% is fairly respectable. A passing grade is an 80% (32/40), so a 70 isn't that shabby.
I'm not sure if they tell you which ones you got wrong if you get below passing. I think they do - just not what the correct answer is.
They won't tell you the correct answer on the ones you got wrong unless you pass. When you pass, they *do* tell you the answers of any you got wrong on that particular exam.
It should also be noted that we will not answer questions on the Professor Exam.
I've failed it twice by 1 question. The fact that they were using older rules (HG/SS) when I took them threw me off big time.

Just keep practicing and you'll get it! Keep in mind that all of the documents are uploaded somewhere so you can study them.
Epsil said:
I've failed it twice by 1 question. The fact that they were using older rules (HG/SS) when I took them threw me off big time.

Just keep practicing and you'll get it! Keep in mind that all of the documents are uploaded somewhere so you can study them.

For the Professor exam (and just judging disputes in general), these two links are your best friends:

(I have them bookmarked, since I judge often. If you plan on judging often, I recommend bookmarking them too!)