Project Custom 4-12 Artists. 5 Rounds. 1 Champion. (POKEMON RELATED)


The Stuff of Legends
Project Custom 4

Well after some time, we're going to give Project Custom one last chance at success, after the failed PC3 tournament. If you dont know what Project Custom is, it is an art tournament created by me to test artists in the many forms of arts here on Pokebeach.

As the title suggests, there will be 12 Artists competing in PC4. The rationale for 12 artists is that we dont want to have too many and run the risk of dropouts. If you do not have enough time to make a piece of art once a week, do NOT sign up for this. We are planning for the competition to start on July 1st and to run until Mid-September where the Project Custom 4 Champion will be crowned.

The main tournament will be in the style of a 12-Team Double Elimination bracket. The judges will rank all of the artists and then you will be seeded by your AVERAGE ranking. Then you will be paired with another competitor, you will each do the same challenge, and then the pieces will be voted on by 2 Random Pokebeach members and 1 of the 5 judges. The winner advances, the loser moves into a different bracket. Lose twice, and you are eliminated from PC4. The final four artists who have survived the bracket will move on into The Finals.

The Finals will consist of one final challenge, lasting a month long. The PC4 Judges will finally have their time to vote and the winner of this final challenge will be crowned PC4 Champion. Without Further ado, let me move on to the PC4 Judges!

PC4 Staff/Judges

Black Rayquaza-Creator of Project Custom Tournaments, Experienced Artist, creator of The Elite-An Art Clan for the Ages.

Xous-Xous is one of the most well-known artists on Pokebeach Forums. Xous has been making the main headers for for the last 6 months and is a Moderator on Pokebeach Forums. You will most likely know him best by the avatars he makes. Also named PC3 Champion.

Moneyking63-Moneyking63 is Co-Leader of The Elite, a former PC2 Champion and PC3 Judge.

PMJ-PMJ is a Super Moderator on Pokebeach Forums, he is also a very talented writer and judge. He has judged in PC3 as well as in PC1. One of our most popular judges in the competition, PMJ is back for PC4!

James-While not very well known here on Pokebeach, James is a very experienced and talented scratch artist. He judged in PC3 for a short time, and decided to come back and judge PC4 as well.

More details on specific inter workings will all be explained in time. If you are interested in competing in PC4 and did NOT recieve an invite PM, please post here and we will give you a sample challenge to do. If you complete the challenge and the judges think you have what it takes, you'll be accepted into the competition.

So please comment on the new style, sign up (those who were invited), and enjoy!

-Black Rayquaza


PC4 Competitors
1. Phoenix
2. Soul Seeker
3. Pandamore
4. ::DF111::
5. Flygon999
7. Kingdra King
8. The Assassin
9. Charizard88
10. Guardian of Aura (was Rewrite)
11. .::n00bmuffin::.
12. SotS

PC4 Official Seeding
(from the averages of the 5 PC4 Judges ranks)

  1. Soul Seeker (2.4)
  2. Pandamore (2.8)
  3. Guardian of Aura was Rewrite (5.0)
  4. Kingdra King (6.0)
  5. ::DF111:: (6.2)
  6. Flygon999 (6.6)
  7. .::n00bmuffin::. (6.6)
  8. Phoenix (7.2)
  9. INFERNAPE (7.2)
  10. The Assassin (8.0)
  11. Charizard88 (9.8)
  12. SotS (10.4)
PC4 Challenge #1-PC4 Banner
This is easy. Make a banner for PC4 using Lucario as the mascot. Best banner (as chosen by judges, not votes) out of the bunch will be used and put on the first post. Remember your pieces will be voted on by three random forum members so try your hardest!
Official Challenge #1 Results

PC4 Challenge #2-PC4 Shape Challenge
Contestants were given a shape (either Triangle, Decagon, Pentagon or Vertical Ellipse) to use for the basis of an avatar/banner.
Official Challenge #2 Results
Winner: Soul Seeker

PC4 Challenge #3- Xous Artwork Avatar/Banner Sets (Elimination Match #1)
Basically, each competitior had to make an avatar and banner set using pokemon from their given region (Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh) using Xous artwork. The losers of this challenge were eliminated.
Official Challenge #3 Results
Challenge Winner: Every Competitor who DID turn in a piece.

PC4 Challenge #4A-PC4 Mini-Collections
This is the Semi-Finals winners bracket challenge, so it needed to be difficult. Competitors were asked to shell out FIVE pieces (A Mini-Collection) based on a theme of either peace or war. All pieces needed to match, and the theme should be coherent throughout each collection. Overall, two out of the four would win this challenge and claim their spot in the PC4 Finals.
Challenge #4A Results
Winner: Soul Seeker and Kingdra King

Due Dates for Round #4B
RE: Project Custom 4-12 Artists. 9 Weeks. 1 Champion.

I'll bring my laptop to Danderhall.

Sign me up. :]
RE: Project Custom 4-12 Artists. 9 Weeks. 1 Champion.

Dictator Dauntless said:
What are you defining as art here? Actual drawing and coloring?

You can expect to see the following art forms in PC4
  • Banners
  • Avatars
  • Userbars/Buttons
  • Writing (rarely)

That will be all of the types of art seen in PC4.....however, you are most certainly allowed to draw something and use it on one of those like a banner or something.

-Black Rayquaza
RE: Project Custom 4-12 Artists. 9 Weeks. 1 Champion.

In it. Pretty interesting. Hope this edition will succeed.
RE: Project Custom 4-12 Artists. 9 Weeks. 1 Champion.

I'll join too.

Great thread, never knew anything about Project Custom before, pretty nice. I like the rules how you only accept those who have had some experience, but if not they'd have to prove themselves worthy.

Just one problem: It's summer, and people may be gone for a week due to vacation. This may be a problem..
RE: Project Custom 4-12 Artists. 9 Weeks. 1 Champion.

Yeah, be sure to sign up extra people, just in case people drop. I don't know how you would work this, but I don't want to see this fail like the others. I hope the Judges will be reliable as well, as that was a problem early on.

Anyway, yeah. I love these things. I'm sure this will be a great competition.

dmaster out.
RE: Project Custom 4-12 Artists. 9 Weeks. 1 Champion.

When will this start?

I might try and enter. :S
RE: Project Custom 4-12 Artists. 9 Weeks. 1 Champion.

Black Rayquaza said:
We are planning for the competition to start on July 1st and to run until Mid-September where the Project Custom 4 Champion will be crowned.

Lol Mudkip. You read? ;o

dmaster out.
RE: Project Custom 4-12 Artists. 9 Weeks. 1 Champion.

Wow. I must hae skipped the first part of that sentence. I'll try. Sign me up.
RE: Project Custom 4-12 Artists. 9 Weeks. 1 Champion.

Flygon999 said:
Just one problem: It's summer, and people may be gone for a week due to vacation. This may be a problem..

While this is true, as long as it isn't in the first few weeks then it should be fine. The later we go into the competition, the more lenient we can be on time. Like I said in the thread, if you're gonna be gone and cant muster up 1 piece of art in a week, then dont do it. Hopefully it will be something that they'll have 1-2 days to make the piece, go on vacay, and then if they haven't been eliminated, just make the deadline for the next round.

Glad to see some signups! We have a few more people who have accepted but haven't posted yet.

d master342 said:
Yeah, be sure to sign up extra people, just in case people drop. I don't know how you would work this, but I don't want to see this fail like the others. I hope the Judges will be reliable as well, as that was a problem early on.

Anyway, yeah. I love these things. I'm sure this will be a great competition.

dmaster out.

I added Mudkip to the backup list....basically the people who were not invited will be put there, and then depending on how many we have by July 1st they will be added if we need them. The only problem with this system is that its seeded.....if dropouts happen (Which I pray they wont) then the seeding gets messed up. Its like, if someone was going up against the #1 seed and that guy drops out, thats gonna mess some things up as far as how the system was meant to go.

As far as the judges go, remember the 5 of us will have a very minimal role until The Finals. We're discussing something like they did in American Idol, like if all 5 of us think differently than the vote that the members made, we can veto it and overturn the decision or something like that; It would have to be at least 4/5 judges though, I'm still unsure whether or not we're gonna chose to do that. The great thing about this system though is that the judges have no commitments.....if we see someone on, we can ask them to be a judge and simply have them do it right on the spot and get it over with, instead of having a set person on a set day.

Glad to see we still have some fans back from the original one!
-Black Rayquaza
RE: Project Custom 4-12 Artists. 9 Weeks. 1 Champion.

I'm going to join but as a backup competitor. Please let me know if and when I need to compete in case you need me. You can just shoot me a PM and I'll be ready. =)

Anyway, sounds fun if I'm needed. Good luck for the main competitors. :)

- Luigi
RE: Project Custom 4-12 Artists. 9 Weeks. 1 Champion.

Thanks for the invite B-Ray! I'm up to the challenge man, so sign me up!
RE: Project Custom 4-12 Artists. 9 Weeks. 1 Champion.

I'm in and you guys all ready know it don't you. Thanks for the invite!
RE: Project Custom 4-12 Artists. 9 Weeks. 1 Champion.

Glad to see people signing up! Hopefully we can get to that lucky 12 competitors and perhaps, gets things running a bit early? =0

-Black Rayquaza
RE: Project Custom 4-12 Artists. 9 Weeks. 1 Champion.

Great to see this is getting started again! :D

Welcome all competitors, and please give it your best! :D