RE: Project Custom-The Elite Fan Creations Tournament BY INVITATION ONLY!
Moneyking63 said:
Wow great job Muckster! I like it, creative, cool, animated. It seems I have a little disadvantage not being able to animate. Mine is coming along, I'm worried its a little too...simple though.
Me too, Monkeyking. I'm cursed because I can't make a decent animated trainer pass. Muckster, great job! By the way, here's the Trainer Pass:
- Background: It's really a mountain scenery. I just replaced the clouds with a more 3Dish one (learned from GIMP Tutorials
) and made a chaotic feel (also learned from the Tutorial
). If you haven't seen, that 3Dish thunder effect is also one of my newly learned techniques (I have tons of useful brushes in my arsenal so I better use it
- Trainer and Pokemon Sprites: Cropped and Rendered by Aqua Smeargle (Thanks a lot !
). If you haven't noticed, I recolored the shirt and the hat of the trainer.
- Layout: from B-ray. I just recolored the layout with a beveled feel (learned from GIMP Tutorials) so that it will be 3Dish.
Relation to Challenge:
It's a trainer pass so I have nothing to worry about. Black Rayquaza didn't specified anything about what to do to the Trainer Pass so I guess that's that.
Personal Comments:
Warning !! Don't read this if you don't have time.
I'm very tired. I got to admit that Project Custom is the best contest that I seen in my life. I love Project Custom.
I decided to join the contest hoping that I'll gain new experiences and new knowledge about banner-making, avatar-making, spriting etc. And it'll not hurt to enter such contest, will it?
Actually, I already lost the hope of winning from the very start of this wonderful contest. All the invited contestants are very skilled and experienced, while I'm not. If you haven't noticed, this is my first time entering an art contest in the Internet. But I didn't gave up and I still accepted Black_Rayquaza's invitation.
In the beginning, I acted like a no0b because I never read the posts and announcements (and even the rules). I just pass my draft, waiting for my time to be eliminated. But I tried to change my attitude after the Third Challenge but it's not enough. Project Custom is consuming my leisure time. And that goes too to the other contestants. Many of them quit voluntarily because Project Custom is very hard and time-consuming. Others quit because they think Project Custom is not perfect and needs reforms. But I decided to remain here because I don't want to give up that easily.
The Fanfic challenge is one of my most difficult moments. Deciding what fanfic to write and what plot to make.... those two things really consumed my time. To be honest, I'm not a fanfic author. I'm not a fanfic writer unlike most of the contestants here.
Fortunately, Pokebeach crashed for many days, giving me time to think what fanfic am I going to pass. But I have homeworks and tests at school so the time is not enough. I lost hope of writing a fanfic and one time, I decided to quit, although with second thoughts.
Pokèbeach returned after several days and I decided to read the new posts at Project Custom. I was about to post my decision of quitting until after reading MUCKSTER's post:
Just posting to say I posted my story in the fan fic section like I ws told.
Bello where are you!
I changed my mind and I started writing a fanfic. My fanfic's not that good, but it's worth it. Many didn't mind my fanfic, but I don't care. (Personally, I'm not a fanfic reader, so I really don't mind reading such stories). I survived the Fanfic challenge and the finals soon began...
I tried all my best to create a wonderful Trainer Pass. I used all that I learned from the past challenges. I am planning to use animation this round, hoping that it will make my Trainer Pass better. I previewed my work so that I can see what to improve/fix. After previewing, I was shocked and disappointed at the result. It turned worse. It was not decent and is blurred. If you are curious what really happened then I'll give you the privilege to look at my very first draft:
It's ugly, and I decided not use it. It's blurred because it has been converted to .gif format. We all know that .png format images are good, but I don't know how to animate .png images without flaws. I tried to research about how to fix it. The formats .apng and .mng might help me, but many web browsers don't support those formats. My whole effort has been turned to waste. I have plans of improving the animation but I gave up all those ideas because the animation itself is ruining my work. After that, I decided to pass an unanimated version of my first draft. I lost hope of ever winning this contest after all these bad luck. I thought animation will help me. But it turned out the opposite.
The challenge is very hard but I like it. I'll use this opportunity to bid goodbye to all of you. I'm planning to not attend the awards show and will focus on the studies because I don't know where it will be held. I really enjoyed the contest and I'm very proud to be in it. I'm happy to be part of Project Custom. By the way, good luck to MUCKSTER and MonkeyKing. I know the two of you have the potential of becoming the winner of Project Custom in general. And B-Ray, I congratulate you for making the contest great and well-organized, and I thank you for making the contest one of the greatest contests I've ever participated.
Time Elapsed:
12.5 hours