[Project]Spriting Icon Game(SIG) - Turn your sprites into cards! (Fallen Glory, coming soon-ish!)

What do you think of my idea?=9

  • Keep up the good work! This idea's one of a kind!

    Votes: 21 70.0%
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    Votes: 6 20.0%
  • Why waste your time on such a mundane thing?

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RE: Spriting Icon Game(SIG) - Calling all spriters!(Tournament preparations have been set!)

Very impressive for a paint drawn background.=F At least it's not from Mystery Dungeon like all the others.

EDIT: All spriters, please visit the gallery for information on the First Official Tournament in Junior Division. Junior Division meaning only commons are allowed. Remember that free common you get? Well this is the time to use it. The tournament will be held here. Thank you.

EDIT 2: We now have the option to block an attack! Only once a battle though, use it as a last resort. Why so limited? It returns the excessive damage blocked to the opponent, see the rules for more details.
RE: Spriting Icon Game(SIG) - Calling all spriters!(Tournament preparations have been set!)


He is half Ground (fighting), and half Water. He has a little bit higher health than a normal common.
RE: Spriting Icon Game(SIG) - Calling all spriters!(Tournament preparations have been set!)

Great!:D We only need 4 more then, I'll be writing the set's story after finishing the set, each set will be have a story of its own, usually involving some of the 10 holos and the secret rare. The next set's secret rare would be peterrab's Infernast, petterab, try to change it's face a little or something.=F I'm still thinking of a name for the next set though. You can no longer ask for your sprites to be turned into a secret rare starting the next set since it will be a prize for tournaments.
RE: Spriting Icon Game(SIG) - Calling all spriters!(Tournament preparations have been set!)

What should I do to its face ? I tried a few changes, but they just messed it up :(
RE: Spriting Icon Game(SIG) - Calling all spriters!(Tournament preparations have been

I almost forgot.... Here, I finished it:

Empravoir (shorter version)

A Psychic/Steel type. It uses Rainbow-colored beams coming from its hand to battle. You shouldn't underestimate it though, its wide range moves and strong physical attacks bring massive damage. Even if it's slow, its teleportation techniques and amazing defenses makes this Pokemon last long battles. However, this Pokemon is easy to knock down with fire attacks.

There ya go !
RE: Spriting Icon Game(SIG) - Calling all spriters!(Tournament preparations have been set!)

=F That's simply awesome. I remember promising the position of secret rare. Being so awesome, it will be a second secret rare for the set.

@peterrab: Well its face is a face of a Deoxys, it just looks recolored with a few minor modifications, the face is what matters.
RE: Spriting Icon Game(SIG) - Calling all spriters!(Tournament preparations have been set!)

Palmer, I'm kinda busy, could you fix up my old one?
RE: Spriting Icon Game(SIG) - Calling all spriters!(Tournament preparations have been set!)

Leave it to me.:)

@peterrab: Yes, even better. Now give that fire background thing again.:D

Edit: Try modifying the legs as well.
RE: Spriting Icon Game(SIG) - Calling all spriters!(Tournament preparations have been set!)


On his backdrop.
RE: Spriting Icon Game(SIG) - Calling all spriters!(Tournament preparations have been set!)

Great.:D The next set will be revolving around your Infernast. Infernast of course would be a sort of "bad guy" in the story, would that be okay with you?
RE: Spriting Icon Game(SIG) - Calling all spriters!(Tournament preparations have been set!)

Sure. Thats what he looks like, anyway :) Maybe him and the Gallagardepolius that will be the other secret rare are mortal enemies, or something like that.
RE: Spriting Icon Game(SIG) - Calling all spriters!(Tournament preparations have been set!)

If only some other people would join...we don't have enough for the tournament.

Edit: We were thinking the same thing!:D Wow, now to think of another story line. I'll cardifry Infernast soon.
RE: Spriting Icon Game(SIG) - Calling all spriters!(Tournament preparations have been set!)

The next set could be Mortal enemies, where each card could either be good guys (more Water, Grass, Electric, Metal Types), and bad guys (Fighting, Fire, Dark, Psychic). That is just an example. You could make any types bad guys or good guys if you want.
RE: Spriting Icon Game(SIG) - Calling all spriters!(Tournament preparations have been set!)

Wow! I have lost myself here I have been trying so hard on this fusion of 8! I have not checked in here for awhile. But Palmer please provide me the link to the thread or what ever because I cannot find it. My fusion well is going kinda great. Very hard!
RE: Spriting Icon Game(SIG) - Calling all spriters!(Tournament preparations have been set!)

I found this in my computer files, use it if you want:

Spiriblim... put any stats you would like it to have :F
RE: Spriting Icon Game(SIG) - Calling all spriters!(Tournament preparations have been set!)

Well my fusion not going fast so I am going to take some time and do some simple commons. Also...

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RE: Spriting Icon Game(SIG) - Calling all spriters!(Tournament preparations have been

abaxter94 said:
The next set could be Mortal enemies, where each card could either be good guys (more Water, Grass, Electric, Metal Types), and bad guys (Fighting, Fire, Dark, Psychic). That is just an example. You could make any types bad guys or good guys if you want.

Excellent name!:D Though making the other types bad is kinda saying that Charmanders and stuff are evil.=F Do you best Charizard88, gallery link here: http://www.geocities.com/pokebattlefrontier//sigeternallegacy.html tournament link here: http://www.pokeearth.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=70
@lm: Perfect for an evil set, we can't use it now since rare slots are full.

RE: Spriting Icon Game(SIG) - Calling all spriters!(Tournament preparations have been set!)

Hey Palmer,
what do you think of this little guy?


I call him Scoffle, the Bottom Feeder pokemon.
He's a bug and water type, because I just love bugs.
His best stat is probably defense and special attack, since he really wouldn't use many physical attacks.

Tell me if you'd like to include him. Also, I was wondering if you make up the card stats yourself or if I can have some sort of input on it.
RE: Spriting Icon Game(SIG) - Calling all spriters!(Tournament preparations have been set!)

I make the stats myself like usual bit if you want you could have suggestions, not necessary though since I already have something in mind. Very, very impressive work Spindry.:D

Edit: Began to work on it already.