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Projecting the Future H: LvX W: Magnezone, Yanmega, Kingdra

RE: Projecting the Future H: LUX X, BLAZE FB

well too be honest if you look at what I listed, its easy to judge all my cards are of Legal set rotation. And Smeargle UD/CL would be under the key card section due to his popularity as a tech now a days.

Anyways, Bump
RE: Projecting the Future H: LUX X, BLAZE FB

@Grantdude123 - Of the cards on your list, the ones that I like are...

Celebi Prime
Mew Prime

And those two alone aren't worth trading a Lux X for, sorry
RE: Projecting the Future H: LUX X, BLAZE FB

would you want southern islands mew or celebi prime? I want your suicune entei top
RE: Projecting the Future H: LUX X, BLAZE FB

Extremely interested in your Luxray Gl x's. I have from your wants:
RH Junk arm
RH Twins
3x RH Black Belt
Kyogre & Groudon Bottom
RH Pidgeotto TM
RH Pidgey TM
Celebi Prime
and not from your wants: RH Lost world.
LMK what you like, or CML for others.

Edit: Forgot to add I do have one RH Pidgeot TM and one Mew Prime.
RE: Projecting the Future UNDERGOING MASS UPDATE

Hi there. I have a Gengar Prime, and some Legend bottoms that could complete your sets (not sure if you want them, but just offering). Can you CML for 2x Ampharos Prime, and 1x Tyranitar Prime? Let me know if you're interested in anything, and maybe we can work out a deal. Thanks!
RE: Projecting the Future UNDERGOING MASS UPDATE

HaunterX6 said:
Hi there. I have a Gengar Prime, and some Legend bottoms that could complete your sets (not sure if you want them, but just offering). Can you CML for 2x Ampharos Prime, and 1x Tyranitar Prime? Let me know if you're interested in anything, and maybe we can work out a deal. Thanks!

From What I saw, I liked your

Gengar Prime
Suicune/Entei Legend Full
Rayquaza/Deoxys Legend Top

So I guess make me an offer, I noticed you also want Victreebel TR and Giratina Lv.X Pack which I also have.
RE: Projecting the Future UNDERGOING MASS UPDATE

Alrighty then. Well, let's see... How about something like:

Gengar Prime $15
RDL Top $23 TOTAL $51

Tyranitar Prime $23
2x Ampharos Prime $6
Victreebel TR $1
Giratina X $8
Slowking Prime $2
3x Meganium Prime $6 TOTAL $46

That's based off of rough rounding via trollandtoad.com. Just kinda trying to match up price value as much as possible. If that seems like a lot to you, we can cut some stuff from each end, as long as it's relatively balanced.

Let me know what you think, and by all means, feel free to tweak or counter offer if necessary. :)
RE: Projecting the Future UNDERGOING MASS UPDATE

Hmm, Let me think about that one for a lil. I didn't realize T-Tar's price creeped up high enough to almost match magnezone's.
RE: Projecting the Future UNDERGOING MASS UPDATE

Lol, yeah I know. It was a random over-night price hike. I think it's cause a lot of people are giddy about the idea of using him with max potion.

Also, I just made a trade to get my 2 ampharos primes i needed, so I no longer need those. If you decide you're still interested, we can just tweak the deal. Just LMK. Thanks. :)
RE: Projecting the Future UNDERGOING MASS UPDATE

From your list, I liked

Typhlosion Prime
Crushing Hammer
Emboar Ability
Recycle (RH)
RE: Projecting the Future UNDERGOING MASS UPDATE

Cml for

Xxxx- all of your lv.x's
Any of your bulk for trade
RE: Projecting the Future UNDERGOING MASS UPDATE

1x Meganium Pack
1x Meganium Promo
1x Ampharos
1x Slowking
1x Electrode
1x Tyrannitar

Other Randoms
Shiny Raikou SL9 (CoL)
Pikachu Reprint (RR)
Zapdos Reprint (SV)
Electabuzz Reprint (PL)
Frost Rotom
Heat Rotom

1x Lucario C
2x Roserade C
1x Regigigas FB
1x Medicham
1x Butterfree FB
1x Dusknoir FB
1x Lickilicky C
1x Blaziken FB
1x Rayquaza C
1x Golem 4
1x Mr Mime 4
2x Mamoswine GL
1x Raichu GL
1x Bronzong 4
1x Gallade 4
1x Yanmega 4
1x Vespiqueen 4
RE: Projecting the Future UNDERGOING MASS UPDATE

Hotwings said:
Cml for

Xxxx- all of your lv.x's
Any of your bulk for trade

I've already posted within your trade thread, so check there.

LillipupFTW said:
1x Meganium Pack
1x Meganium Promo
1x Ampharos
1x Slowking
1x Electrode
1x Tyrannitar

Other Randoms
Shiny Raikou SL9 (CoL)
Pikachu Reprint (RR)
Zapdos Reprint (SV)
Electabuzz Reprint (PL)
Frost Rotom
Heat Rotom

1x Lucario C
2x Roserade C
1x Regigigas FB
1x Medicham
1x Butterfree FB
1x Dusknoir FB
1x Lickilicky C
1x Blaziken FB
1x Rayquaza C
1x Golem 4
1x Mr Mime 4
2x Mamoswine GL
1x Raichu GL
1x Bronzong 4
1x Gallade 4
1x Yanmega 4
1x Vespiqueen 4

All I saw from your list that I am interested in is

x2 Professor Juniper
Ninetails COL
Zoroark (Promo)
Serperior Ability
Zoroark (Holo+Rare)
RE: Projecting the Future UNDERGOING MASS UPDATE

Can you check my list for the Reuniclus?