PSP2/NGP Discussion

If they can turn this system into something amazing, and make like, CoD for it with free online or something, I might actually buy one of these.
@Zenith (really late, sorry)

I know when the DS and iPhone were released. I meant that the way the PSP2's touchscreen is used is more comparable to the iPhone/iPad rather than the DS.


Two cameras is a pretty common feature among gadgets now a days. I don't know if you're just a hardcore Nintendo fanboy, but it seems whatever Sony did, you would have been complaining about it. If they completely removed the touch-element you'd be boasting that the 3DS is so much better because of that; the 3DS and the NGP are on completely different levels and (for the most part) completely different audiences.
^ im not to much of a fan boy. nintendo just IMO is the best and they always take the steps forward while others follow in there steps. and somtimes like sony exactly in there steps. sure youc an say oh well apple did it to. but that is phones this is handheld game systems. microsoft has the kinect and nintendo has the wii. ps3 had the insane graphics but then they came out with the move...sure this isnt as blatant as that but its pretty close.
^I'm not sure what you don't get. You just defined fanboyism.

Also, every other system that uses disks copied Sony because PS was first to use disks. That's it. Final. Everyone copied Sony. I'm not being a fonboy just saying everyone that uses disks is copying.
If I had the money for this as well I would get it, but only if a Monster hunter is made for it. XF