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Psych Attack(Next Destinies)


Aspiring Trainer
Hi everyone,this is my idea for a deck with next destinies


3-1-3 Gotithelle(EP 47/98)
3-1-3 Gardevoir
3 Mewtwo ex
1 Shaymin
1 Pichu
4 Pokemon collector
4 Rare Candy
4 Pokemon catcher
2 Twins
2 Super rod
1 Seeker
1 Switch
3 Eviolite
2 Sage's training
2 Revive

-{P} x12
-{C}{C} Double colorless x2

The strategy is set up Gotithelle,Gardevoir and reuniclus,The ability of gardevoir doubles the {P} x2 to generate more damage with Gotithelle and Mewtwo,Shaymin moves the energies in a critical moment

Sorry for my english ,I am Chilean
You forgot to include the Reuniclus in the decklist.
It's a good idea, but too slow, I think the only way for it to work is to include a Pichu in the decklist, as a ideal starter, and then put 2 or more Twins, and let Pichu get killed, then you can set up with Twins.
The other way is Teddiursa, but it needs luck, you needed to trainer lock you opponent, just because, you need to bench lots of basic Pokemon, and prevent catcher.
The other problem is that you will broke the lock when you go with Mewtwo, being fragil do a simple Catcher to a Reuniclus, and your strategy is gone, the only thing that a very reduced number of things can KO in one hit is Mewtwo, but with Catcher it would be very easy to KO the things on the bench for the 6 prizes.
It might also be helpful to add x2 (or more) Prism energy, because with it, I'm pretty sure mewtwo imediately hits for 140?
Which, in my opinion, is pretty awesome T1.
Prism Energy provides Colorless Energy. If the Pokémon Prism Energy is attached to is a Basic Pokémon, Prism Energy provides every type of Energy but provides only 1 Energy at a time. (Doesn't count as a basic Energy card.)

People should read the card they recommend...anyway, Prism is pretty bad in this deck. Imo, you need to go with either Gothitelle Gardevoir or Mewtwo Gardevoir, since Gothitelle has to be active at the end of your turn, so attackers are pretty useless. With the advent of EXes capable of easily hitting 130+ and the fact that without Reuniclus Gothitelle is a pretty bad attacker (you may have Reuniclus, but 3 stage 2s is just not going to work), I'd run Mewtwo Gardevoir instead.
alexmf2 said:
Reuniclus isn't in the deck.

Tomych said:
The strategy is set up Gotithelle,Gardevoir and reuniclus,

I also suggest getting Reuniclus in there. Defender is a great card in this deck. Gets past those pesky Magby and Rocky Helmet.
Thanks to all,i forgot remove reuniclus from the strategy xD,it was part of the main strategy
personally, i believe 3 mewtwo in a non energy accel deck is too many. stick to 2.

3-2-3 for gothitelle line
3-2-2 for gardevoir

in testing, thats whats been most consistent for me.
Magnezone_Elf said:
Don't really play double colorless because Gardevoir makes your psys worth 2 each.

DCE is for when you don't have gardy out yet or it get ko'd. It's also notable that with DCE, you can get a T1 attack with mewtwo.