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Psychic Eggplosion


This deck obviously probably won't be a headliner for the next worlds, but I none the less think it should (this has not been tested yet) be a fun and pretty good deck,

4 Exeggute
4 Exeggutor
2 Solosis
1 Duosion
2 Reuniclus
2 Victini (ability)
2 Gothita
1 Gothrita
2 Gothitelle

14 Psychic Energy

4 Rare Candy
4 Pokemon Communicator
4 Pokemon Collector
2 Professor Juniper
3 Cheren
4 Pokemon Catcher
3 Professor Oak's New Theory
2 Twins

The idea is to use Exeggcutor's Eggplosion as the main attack to try to rack up the damage (coin flips allowing) and if the coin flips don't work out then a second chance can be given with Fliptini. Reuniclus is in the deck primarily for the Damage Swap ability to try and keep Exeggcutor as fresh as possible. Gothitelle, for the moment, is there as a back up attacker.

Post Next Destinies I plan on replacing 2 Exeggute and 2 Exeggcutor with 2 Darumaka and 2 Darmanitan. Darmanitan costs a little more than Exeggcutor but can do 10 more damage per coin flip. The other replacement will be the Gothitelle line for the Gardevoir line, where Garevoir's Psychic Mirage will give each energy card the equivalent of two energy, potentially doubling the damage that Exeggutor and Darmanitan can do.

Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions?
I have played gothitelle reuiniclus and Twins helped alot so I think you should add 2 twins.
Also if you are going to run fliptini and reuiniclus maybe you should add vileplume.
for twins you should take out 1 cheren and 1 of your choice.
if you put in vileplume take out the 4 catcher and 1 pokemon communication, for a 2-1-2 line.
I'll replace the Fisherman (not really a deck that needs it I suppose, especially with Exeggcutor's ability) with the Twins.

I'll have to think about the Vileplume thing. First off, I have no Vileplumes. Second off, I'm not sure I really want to do it. The idea is to get Exeggcutor (later it could also be Darmanitan) out as quickly as possible, and if I'm splitting efforts for the Vileplume it might destroy the point of the deck. Plus as I mentioned in the first post once ND comes out the Gothitelle line will be getting replaced by the Gardevoir line because of it's energy doubling for Exeggutor and (later) Darmanitan and since I don't know if that is going to mess with the idea of putting in Vileplume.
But still the're stage ones so even under trainer lock you won't have much trouble getting them out.
No. Vileplume is a bad idea.Having three stage twos in a deck where none of them are the main attacker is just plain stupid. It would slow it down way too much. The only way I would add in Vile plume is if you take out Gothitelle, but since you will replace it with gardevoir, no Vileplume.
If you are really that worried you can add Elm's but, it's not nessecary.

But if they catcher ruiniclus you're screwed
To be honest while Reinculus is in there for the Damage Swap I'm not sure it's really that vital, so it may not really matter. I suppose I could replace it for Vileplume but honestly I suspect without Gothitelle (and it's power) it halves the reason for Vileplume's precense.
Maybe drop eggsecutor, gothitelle and reuniclus for vileplume darminitan and gardevoir. Kind of the same thing, but more damage and better item lock.
I don't think I'm going to fully drop Exeggutor, the energy recovery on its first attack might come in handy. Maybe adding in Vileplume in place of the Reinculus might be a good idea, I'll have to take a second look at the deck and see what I think from there.