PTCGO computer crash


Aspiring Trainer
Does anyone else have this problem? I was in the middle of a game on PTCGO and all of a sudden my computer shut off. I tried turning it back on and it shut off again. Fortunately, I was able to get it back up and running afterwards, but since

a) this has never happened before.
b) The battery was at full power (which rules that out)
c) PTCGO gets pretty laggy after a game or two and was lagging before it crashed.

I'm hoping it's not PTCGO related, but considering the problems people run into with it, I wonder if this is the case.
I doubt it, it sounds more like a problem with your computer. PTCGO could cause some problems, but it can't just shut your computer off. and since you rebooted it and it shut off PTCGO didn't even have a chance to start.

unless there was a rouge file in PTCGO that modified your system files, some sort of super virus nintendo has been developing to take over all computers ....but that's just my paranoia talking.

but most likely there is something else wrong, not PTCGO. A reinstall will fix any problems with PTCGO.
Try deleting cookies and temp files, see if that helps the lagging.

The restart could be caused by the power supply or corruption in Windows, so keep an eye on it.