PTCGO: Novice, or Expert?


Tyranitar be taunting'
There seems to be a big issue with everybody playing expert only. I know this may come off a bit rude but I use online play to playtest a lot, and almost every time I play PTCGO it is against someone with a starter deck. I do not want to come off a bit wrong but I hate playing just to concede. Is anyone else having this issue also?
I also have this issue! I know the noobs complain about "There's too many good decks in Novice!" but it's the same on our side too. There's a Novice for a reason! I wish they didn't remove Intermediate. Around 35 of the 40+ games I've played in Expert were against noobs or people with bad decks/type based decks/Theme Decks, ect..
I've only played in novice, because I'm kind of bad at the game lol. (I'm better at collecting..)
But I've noticed that there are a lot of people in novice with RIDICULOUSLY good decks, who are probably just there to prey on players like me for easy wins. :mad:
yea expert should have a rating system, that would solve everyones problems. btw if you want to play test i'd recommand, i play test there all the time and go against many types of decks and none of them are noob decks since you can use any cards you want.
They are planning to include expert ranked games in the next big update along with trade,gems and tournament.
To be honest, a small minority of my games come from people playing Basic Yellow type decks. I definitely play against more metadecks than otherwise, but I guess that's just chalked up to luck or something...

dmaster out.
^^^It could also have something to do with the time I play. Being in Hawaii my play time is anywhere between 4-9pm... *shruggs shoulders*