ptp`s signature shop!!

Are you pleased with the signature i made for you??

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jirachinick said:
Background: Surprise me
Images: Toon Link
Text: The Legend of Zelda
Spirit Tracks
Size: Same as examples
Good Luck, and Thanks

I can do this one, but u have to start using the banners i make for you before ill make any more for you.
Big request...can you Make me 3 banners?All saying "Team Dimensional"?If you can put Palkia,Diagla,Giratina on the background of each one with a swirling background like a black hole.Make one with Dialga then one with Palkia then Giratina.With:

Palkia G LV.X
Dialga G LV.X
Giratina LV.X(Non-Tin)
If you can that would be awsome.Thanks.
Username: piplup234
What do you want:
[ ] Avatar, [x] Banner
How many different Characters:
[ ] One, [ x Two, [ ] Three, [ ] Four
Wich Characters: (If you don't want Pokémon Card Images, please post a link) and
Color Scheme: what ever you want
Background (Colors): Brown/ Purple mix
Text (Color): G and G
[x] Yes, [ ] No
[ ] Large, [x] Medium, [ ] Small Specify ______(with) _______Hight
Yeh im sorta new to this. I really want a banner of Tyranitar. Either tyranitar about to puch out of the banner or him about to step out of it. If u could make that, that would be great. Its ok if u cant i would be kind of depressed but its ok. Thnx! {D}

I kinda got it now. Copied the thing piplup did. What do you want:
[ ] Avatar, [x] Banner
How many different Characters:
[x] One, [ ] Two, [ ] Three, [ ] Four
Background (Colors): Green/ Black mix
Text (Color): Black and Green
[x] Yes, [ ] No
[x] Large, [ ] Medium, [ ] Small
i would like you to make me a signiture

if you could put him on the left
him on the right (or if you find a better one)
in the middle or you can mix them up make it look good


that is for the sig

and do you make avatars
Can you make a banner with my username across it in a cool font? Then maybe a background like your displayed Luxray banner (kind of like a greenish nature color).

That would be awesome, thanks ! :)
Pokemon :
(on the middle please)

second pokemon :
(on the right )

(on the left )

background: add what you will

TEXT: MONPYRO97 on the middle please
- what kind of render/image: Feraligatr Prime and Lanturn Prime (From the TCG)
- if you want a large or small signature: I want it so that it fits the sig rules, please.
- what kind of collours you want in it: Blue and Yellow, and other colors that might fit.

And could I get it to have a text saying "Feraliturn?"
- what kind of render/image the art from Flygon LvX
- if you want a large or small signature about the size of your BlazeRay's banner :p
- what kind of collours you want in it any colours you find matching
Oh ya, can you pls put a text saying 'Flygon' on the bottom right with matching font? Thanks :D

I don't mind putting your name in the banner for credit :p
wow *_*
they the sigs are all so beautyfull.
Can someone make me a shiny latias sig please?
Hey can I have a banner with Latias and Latios in the back ground and it saying

Also if you can do this you can be a artist for that website.

- Any Hypno (A in your face 3D look would be awesome!)
- Large
- purple, gold, black, neon colors? whichever..
- can you make it say MadSci on it somewhere with the type of font that you use for the torterra sig

i would greatly appreciate it thanks!!!
Ooh Ooh
Can I have a Raikou signature with a cool raikou picture like this and an absol picture like this
and a cool lightning and fire background
And can it say
Lycans rule all in the mysterious darkness and the holy light

It would be very appriciated thank you
Can someone please make me a banner
Size should be somewhere in the midst of 740x235
Colors should be warm and a bit colorful
Any other detail, you can make on your own
Hey I was wondering if you could make me a sig with Charizard breathing fire into the sky.I would like it if it was a very dark blue almost black fire please that would be great. Size about the size of examples. Then maybe have my name in a cool font in top right hand corner colored black. If not its all cool. Thank You For Reading. :D You canchoose the background whatever looks fitting.
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