RE: Pulse of the Frontier 2: Plugged In: Chapter Four is up!!! All Opinions Are Wanted!!!
Chapter 5: The Great Marsh: Another Adventure
Mud; just mud. Everywhere they looked, they saw nothing more than the thick, pasty mud of the Sinnoh’s Safari Zone, the Great Marsh. All around them, Yanma, Yanmega, and other such bug Pokemon buzzed in rhythmic synchrony with their dives and glides over the swamp. Darach had paid for six adult tickets and one child (a title that was very displeasing and degrading according to Jun), accounting for the five brains and the boy. The humid summer weather only made the moist and clingy air feel more uncomfortable.
Dahlia looked uncertain. “I’ve had mud baths before,” she exclaimed, “But I think that this qualifies as taking a good thing to an unhealthy level. Why don’t I wait right here at the kiosk while you guys check it out. You know, I’ll guard for bad guys and stuff.”
“I, for one, am of like mind with Dahlia,” Darach added, “I feel it would be best if the two of us remained here. Besides, this marsh makes me feel uncomfortable. I believe that it would be easier for all of us if you didn’t have to wait up on me.”
“Hey, if the two of them are going to be here, then I might as well stay too,” Jun reasoned, backing quickly away from a low diving Yanmega, “I can protect them in case anything happens. And besides, bugs kinda creep me out.”
Mary nodded. “Alright, in that case, why don’t you guys look around here for any clues you can find. Something might turn up.” She suggested.
A meeting place in case of separation was decided on, and the two parties set off on their respective paths. Thorton, Palmer, and Mary headed in the direction of the innermost swamp portion of the marsh. As they progressed, their booted feet began to slowly sink deeper and deeper into the mud. It wasn’t long before the murky marsh reached up to the threesome’s waists.
Going was slow, and talking was kept to a minimum. The swamp seemed to cling to them, and walking alone was a difficult task. Tall trees on either side of the expanse dipped over, almost touching the surface of the marsh, forcing the brains to bend low under the branches to proceed. Nevertheless, they pressed forward.
“Thorton,” Mary asked, “What are the chances that we’ll run into any dangerous Pokemon around here? It’s impossible to see under the surface thanks to all the murk.”
“I’m not sure,” The Factory Head replied, eying the murky water around him carefully, “The Great Marsh is home to many different species of Pokemon, the capturing of which is the Marsh’s central attraction. Trainers come from all over Sinnoh to join in on the capturing of rare Pokemon that are nearly impossible to find anywhere else in the region, like the Yanmega flying above our heads.”
The group came to a sudden halt and Palmer (whom moved at the head of the procession) announced that their path had been blocked. Thorton and Argenta craned their heads to peer around his stocky figure at the cause of their halting. Before them, an enormous log that reached from one bank of the marsh to the other blocked their path. It towered high above their heads and was probably once a redwood tree before it was felled.
“So… What now?” Mary asked.
“Well, there is certainly no reason to just stand here!” Thorton exclaimed, impatiently, “That log is way too big for us to move, too submerged for us to swim under, and too long for us to go around. So…”
“So we go over?” Palmer finished, “Sounds like a safe plan.”
“Whatever we do, it would be in our best interest to do it quickly,” Mary cautioned, “The log combined with the accumulated branches and gunk from underneath the surface is forming a dam. The marsh’s rising quickly. Almost so quickly that it seems the tree must have fallen over the marsh just recently or it would have filled up by now.”
“Either fallen over…or knocked over…” Palmer corrected.
“Right.” Thorton replied, “Which means that whoever kidnapped Argenta could easily still be here now; which means that we really do need to hurry. Palmer’s the strongest, so you should go first so you can help pull the two of us up.”
Palmer nodded his agreement and wrapped his fingers around the first, strong protruding branch he could find up the log’s side. Heaving with all his might, he pulled himself up the side of the log and took a second handhold. A few more heaves upwards and he had scaled the log and stood atop it triumphantly.
Meanwhile, the water began to steadily gather together below and the surface reached almost up to Thorton and Mary’s chests. Thorton took the second turn and attempted to pull himself from the sticky marsh. The swamp, however, held firm. The mud and filth held his body rooted in place. He was sealed in the marsh. Any attempt to move hard to either the left or right ended without success. Mary met with a similar misfortune. Amid this, the brains watched in horror as the water level began to rise until it reached their collar bones.
“Okay, not good!” Thorton exclaimed.
“This stuff feels like quicksand!” Mary interpolated.
Palmer hurriedly climbed as far down the log as he could without entering the swamp himself and held out hand for the brains to take hold of. Immediately, Mary grabbed his outstretched hand and pulled herself upwards with as much force as she could muster.
Thorton looked on dishearteningly, nervously watching the water deepen around his neck. “We have to hurry!” He cried.
“Thank you, Captain Obvious!” Palmer screamed back, his voice strained from the physical strength exerted on his current task of wrenching Mary from the marsh. At last, when it seemed that Palmer would surely pass out from exerted force, the swamp’s hold on Mary was broken and the two brains were sent careening over the log, only to catch themselves on the opposite side. The water by now had risen high up the side of the dam and it just touched Thorton’s chin.
“Give me your hand!” Palmer screamed down to him, extending his arm at full length for his comrade to take hold of.
“No!” Thorton cried back, “There’s not enough time! Try to break the dam!”
“Break the dam, got it!” Mary replied, “Go! Porygon-Z!”
From one of the Pokeballs strapped around her waist, she released a strange being into the air. The Pokemon was made of many disjointed spheres and other such three dimensional polygons and resembled a robot. It had no legs but hovered in midair.
“Porygon-Z, use Hyper Beam!” She ordered. The robot Pokemon complied and launched from its being a concentrated beam of pure energy at the log dam. The structure groaned under the force of the blast and the wood splintered but did not give way. A spring of water that escaped the hold of the dam through the crack sprouted out from the side of the log. The water on the opposite side of the dam was little more than a shallow stream, deprived of its main water flow.
By now, Thorton’s face was all that remained visible above the surface of the water. He gasped desperately for air, but found none. The surface of the water rose above his face and the world began to spin. He was drowning. He flailed and thrashed wildly to regain oxygen but the sticky marsh clung tight.
The world around him suddenly began to collapse and he was enveloped in blackness. He could hear faint voices in the far distance but they sounded a long way off, almost in another world. Then, the dark silhouette of another being appeared with him in the expanse. It roared, but the sound came like a whisper to Thorton’s ears.
Before he knew what had happened, he felt like he was being rushed suddenly along in a forceful deluge. The next thing he knew, he was coughing up water and mud and was staring up into the eyes of Palmer and Mary.
“What…what happened?” Thorton asked wearily.
“It took to of Porygon-Z’s Hyper Beam attacks to break the dam. Now all of the water is free and the swamp has returned to its original depth,” Mary explained, “From what I’ve seen, that dam was man-made. And the swamp filled up quickly. You could have drowned, Thorton.”
“If I saw what I thought I saw under the water, then we have bigger things to be afraid of than drowning,” Thorton replied, jolting suddenly up. He realized then that he had been floating atop the water above Palmer’s strong arms. A loud roaring sound suddenly directed the attention of the three brains behind them. Atop the shattered remains of the dam, three large, blue figures stood, poised and ready to strike. The Pokemon had large orange and gray fins that extruded from their heads, backs, and limbs.
“Are those…” Mary breathed in horror.
“Swampert,” Palmer finished, “And they look cranky.”
“Swampert are extremely slow on land but move faster than any other Pokemon in swamp. It’s their habitat,” Thorton explained, “We can’t hope to out swim them here! Get to the bank!”
The three Pokemon demonstrated Thorton’s words by diving instantaneously into the swamp and propelling themselves with incredible speed towards the threesome. Immediately, the brains began making their way to the left bank of the marsh. The water was shallow enough that it didn’t reach higher than their waists now and moving was considerably easier.
“They’re following us for sure now!” Mary screamed through the air. Thorton turned to look and found the distance between the Swamperts and the brains growing increasingly smaller with each passing second. It was apparent that the sudden release of the dam’s pooled up waters had sent the brains rocketing a ways down the swamp and a matter of yards of leeway remained between the pursuers and the pursued.
“We need to get out of this swamp! It’s too dangerous!” Palmer cried, surging ahead with long, and surprisingly high strides.
“We can’t!” Thorton yelled back, “The text we got on the way here said that we would get the next message when we got to the center of the swamp! We have to keep moving!”
“They’re too fast!” Palmer replied, “And they’re angry! Fast and angry Swamperts are never good swamp-mates!”
The Swampert were closing in now, and by the sounds of their angry roars and growls, they were angry indeed. Even from a distance, they demonstrated their hostility by shooting balls of thick, tightly packed mud at the brains from their mouths. The balls landed with the force of cannonballs in the water around the brains, causing large waves that overlapped the threesome.
The swamp Pokemon were mere yards away when the brains at last reached the marshy bank and were now supported by dry land. The Swampert progressed on them nonetheless, and launched a flurry of Mud Balls into the sky to fall short feet from the threesome. The Pokemon roared in contempt and began to trudge up the bank and towards the group.
The brains hurried on ahead, the constriction on their movement diminished on the dry ground. It wasn’t long, however, before their path was blocked by a dead end, and another endless expanse of swamp. Turning round, they were faced with three, angry, slowly enclosing Swampert, moving towards them on all fours.
“Anyone have any ideas?” Mary asked worriedly.
“I’ve got nothing,” Palmer admitted, “How about you Thor?”
“An idea? No.” Thorton replied with a sly tone, “A breakthrough? Yes.”
Palmer and Mary followed their comrade’s gaze to a tangled cobweb of undergrowth and swamp plants. Beneath the thick greenery, there could just barely be seen an abandoned Water Jet Ski, rusted and battered looking. The vehicle was nearly entwined in the undergrowth and was thickly wrapped in it, but it only took a moment of hard tugs from Thorton to free it.
“Okay, I’ve officially decided that you are a lunatic,” Palmer stated matter-of-factly.
“I prefer the term visionary,” Thorton replied, whom by now already had the Jet Ski in the water, “Now get in both of you.”
“There’s not enough room for more than one in there!” Mary pointed out.
“Suit yourself,” Replied Thorton, motioning behind them at the steadily approaching Swampert, “After all, I’m sure that it’s not every day that a Swampert gets to sample such a delicacy as human flesh.”
“Good point.” And with that, the threesome boarded the small vehicle and Thorton gunned the throttle. The Jet Ski shot out into the water, the turbines sending a trail of jetted water behind them. The Swampert were eager to reenter the marsh and continued the chase. The motor was strained to propel the ski through the sticky marsh but nonetheless, it beat trudging with heavy legs through the marsh on foot any day.
The Jet Ski was about the size as the average scooter, and the three brains were forced to align side by side to fit on it all at once. The ski was green with a long white stripe running up the side. It appeared relatively new but it was no where nears in good condition. It appeared to have been rather mauled one way or another and abandoned on the shore. How it became enveloped in the plants seemed a mystery.
Suddenly, the vehicle shook violently and Thorton (whom controlled the vehicle) was nearly thrown into the swamp. As a result, the ski banked tightly and swerved hard, only barely evading a small log that jetted up out of the water.
“The Swampert are under the Jet Ski!” Mary exclaimed over the roaring churn of the motor.
“I know!” Thorton screamed back, fighting with the controls, “I think that…Wait a minute! What’s this? Palmer, take the controls!”
Thorton moved aside to allow Palmer passage and climbed onto the front of the vehicle. There, a Pokevice was secured with thick, silver duct tape. Quickly, though with as much care as humanely possible for a man holding onto the front of a Jet Ski, he detached the vice and held it in his hands.
“Palmer!” He cried, “Guide the boat over to the other bank. Then get out of here!”
“Alright. Wait. What?” Palmer replied.
“Just do it!”
“You got it!”
With one swift, hard yank on the control stick, the vehicle veered tightly towards the right bank and Thorton leapt onto the land. The attention of the Swampert was not diverted and they continued to pursue Mary and Palmer through the swamp until they were out of sight from Thorton. Instantaneously, he produced the newfound Pokevice as well as his own and a small black cord. With this cord, he connected the two vices together. Then he pressed the ‘on’ buttons of both vices.
“Hello again Thorton!” Again, Lillian Sunday’s face filled the Pokevice screen, “Glad to see your progressing on my little adventure, I’ll tell you that it is quite exciting watching your movement along the way. I’m also glad that you’re finally alone.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Oh, but don’t you see, Thor. I only want for you to succeed and it is clear that that is something that will be quite impossible with that ridiculous posse of lunatics tailing you the whole way.”
“They’re my friends.”
“You may call them what you like. But that is beside the point, and trivial talk like this is going to get us no where. I would be interested to know if you are ready to apologize yet.”
“Apologize for what?”
“I see that you continue to remain ignorant. Well, I guess it really doesn’t matter. In the end you will surely understand. Anyways, I suppose that you are wondering what sort of dangerous task I would like you to complete next. Well, I now have a new test for you.”
“I’m listening.”
“Get to the center of the Great Marsh. I can see from the swamp behind you that you are already almost there.”
“Speaking of which, were you aware that I almost died in there?”
“Ah, yes, well, if this quest didn’t come without its fair share of risks then how would I know that you would be willing to truly do anything for Argenta?”
“I would do anything for her and you know it.”
“I’m glad to hear it. In that case, then go to the center of the marsh and you’ll find a cavern opening up in a large tree. Inside this, you will find a tunnel that will take you underneath the marsh. Go there, alone, and I will give you the next clue to finding your friend.”
“You’re wacked. You know that right.”
“Oh, Thorton. I should hope that we were past the name-calling stage of our maturity. Haven’t we come far enough that we would leave that sort of thing behind us?”
“I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Of course not. Well, I will see you later, I sincerely hope that you do not think of bringing your ‘friends’ with you because such an action could have serious consequences.”
Thorton was about to reply when the face disappeared and the screen went black. With a deep sigh, he let the vice fall from his hand unceremoniously into the swamp waters. Things were getting complicated. Stakes were getting higher. But his overall goal was unchanged. It was all or nothing now. And Thorton was ready to give his all.
Suddenly, the roar of a motor rose over the silence as the Jet Ski returned from the opposite direction. Thorton turned the face Mary and Palmer, as the Ski was parked on the bank and the two disembarked onto the dry land. Thorton opened his mouth to fill them in on this latest turn of events but Mary cut him off.
“We’ve got a problem!” She exclaimed with the deep huffs and puffs that came from just having sped across a swamp on a Jet Ski.
“Swampert?” Thorton guessed.
“Worse. The Swampert stopped following us a while ago and just left,” She replied, “It’s Dahlia. She’s not answering her phone. She always answers her phone. I think something’s wrong.”