"Purging Justice"

Hydro Cannon said:
I might just need to replace Porygon - Z altogether for a Reuniclus, or Bronzong, or something a little better. :p

If you are thinking of either of the two, Reuniclus can stop rain if you get enough Calm Mind boosts; Bronzong checks most Sand Storm teams.
Debating which is better. If I used Bronzong, I'd run the light screen / reflect / trick room / toxic, and if reuniclus, I'd run calm mind / psychic / recover / energy ball. Preferences Equinox? :D
Your Bronzong set is Taunt bait, a better set that can tank
Relaxed Nature
252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD (0 Speed IVs)
~ Stealth Rock
~ Gyro Ball
~ Toxic
~ Earthquake

Reuniclus' set should look like:

Magic Guard
Bold Nature
252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
~ Calm Mind
~ Recover
~ Psychic / Psyshock
~ Focus Blast
I think I'll try the Reuniclus set and see how that works. Swap out Porygon Z for him, right? Or would someone else be better bait to switch for?
Honestly, you seem to be shooting down the best suggestion ever. If you are going to keep Pory 2 GIVE IT RECOVER!!!! It don't matter how slow it is, it's a skill move.
Oh, I hope you don't see me as shooting it down! Its a really good suggestion and I put it to use actually! I just want to try and replace Porygon - Z with Reuniclus, as it helps resist fighting better as my team has almost all, except for latios, 100-200% damage from fighting attacks, so changing it a little
You could use a Ghost-type than, perhaps Gengar.

A set of :

Timid Nature
4 HP / 252 Sp. Atk / 252 Spe
~ Focus Blast
~ Substitute
~ Disable
~ Shadow Ball

With this you are completely immune to Fighting-type attacks as well as Ground-type attacks, as well as having the ability to shut down a foe's moving, crippling them for several turns should they still be in.
Thats actually a really good suggestion, as it does give me coverage against psychic and fellow ghost types, fighting and ground immunities. :) Now who should I replace for Gengar, you think?
Total my bad... Ok anyway, you do have a good point. I thought I had already removed him, and will remove him and see how GGar does! :D
Hydro Cannon said:
Thats actually a really good suggestion, as it does give me coverage against psychic and fellow ghost types, fighting and ground immunities. :) Now who should I replace for Gengar, you think?

Gengar is weak against both Psychic and Ghost attacks.
True. But I think GGar out speedsmost of them, but anyway, you don't think I should add GGar Equinox? I've found your ideas to be really helpful sp far
Hydro Cannon said:
True. But I think GGar out speedsmost of them, but anyway, you don't think I should add GGar Equinox? I've found your ideas to be really helpful sp far

I think you should add him lol, just saying what Gengar is weak to lol
Eh I guess so, although when you have defences like Gengar's weaknesses tend to not matter so much as you'll be OHKO'd by many neutral hits regardless. If it has a weakness at all, it's the inaccuracy of the clunkiest move in the game, Focus Blast. ;p
True. I'm thinking of changing it (focus blast) to something more powerful and helpful, like giga drain. That way I can drain what hurts Rotom (waters/ground) and restore HP! : ) plus Zoroark already has the focus blast I need against like Hydreigon or something
Giga Drain is a bad option, it doesn't restore as much as health, and Shadow Ball already hits most of the bulky waters you'll encounter for a good amount of damage.
Well focus blast is just too unreliable to me. Is gengar also poison? I forget.. If so, I might invest in a poison move
Hydro Cannon said:
Well focus blast is just too unreliable to me. Is gengar also poison? I forget.. If so, I might invest in a poison move

Focus Blast might be a bit unreliable, but with Shadow Ball Gengar actually has coverage and hits everything for at least neutral damage. Poison moves aren't good (except Toxic and Toxic Spikes), and only hit Grass-types for SE damage, which other than that get resisted by Steel-types (Ferrothorn, Scizor, and Skarmory won't mind coming in if you let Focus Blast go, and these three Pokemon are some of the most used in the metagame), which are all too common.
Just noticed your Latios, and I think it's set could be buffed a bit.

Timid Nature
Item - Life Orb / Choice Scarf
- Dragon Pulse
- Thunderbolt
- Protect
- Psyshock
EV's: 252 SpAtt/252 Spd/4 HP

For starters, you've got a very offensive Pokemon, meaning that Protect is a general waste of a moveslot. You're missing out on a lot of coverage by using it. I'm not too sure what item you're using on it (you have both Choice Scarf and Life Orb). Given that you've already got Scarfed Rotom-W and Scizor on your team, I would stick with the Life Orb. This means that Hidden Power Fire is your best bet to be your fourth offensive move, which will really help you by giving you a better way to break through Ferrothorn than Focus Blast. You might also want Psychic instead of Psyshock, or Draco Meteor in place of Dragon Pulse, but those are both personal preference things.