• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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Pyroar / Charizard EX


Destroyer of Worlds
Hello everyone I recently began playing again and I fell in love with this deck the first match I played it. I am just really concerned if my trainer line covers all the bases or if its just a complete mess. Also I cant find any room for professors letters wich I know I really need.
Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance :D

  • 3 Charizard EX FLF12
    3 Litleo FLF
    3 Pyroar FLF
    2 Vulpix DRX
    2 Ninetales DRX

  • 4 N
    4 Juniper
    3 Blacksmith
    1 Colress
    1 Lysandre

    4 Ultraball
    4 Hypnotoxic Lazer
    3 Bicycle
    3 Switch
    3 Muscleband
    2 Virbank City Gym
    1 Startling Megaphone

    1 Computer Search (would dowsing machine be better?)

  • 9 Fire Energy
    4 Double Colorless Energy

My main strategy is to Build up Charizard as fast as I can while building up a pyroar or 2 if possible. Pooka gave me the idea of utilizing Ninetales whenever possible to drag out and kill starting evolutions or evolutions that havent had a chance to build up yet. Startling megaphone is for garbodor and bicycles for a draw engine. I have debated using firey torch for a draw engine but I have read that you should run 10 fire minimum to use that card and I'm not sure if I need 10 fire.
Nice list.

I definitely prefer running Bicycle (whose draw I can actually control) versus Roller Skates whose draw is based upon a favorable flip (ugh).
Thanks bro I have put some serious thought into this list.

I get what you mean about the roller skates and the flip and you're absolutely right so I'm gunna keep the bicycles. Thanks for the reply :D
For what you are going for, I guess Dowsing Machine might actually be better.
And Dragons Exalted is DRX :)
I saw DRE and thought about Dark Explorers, which is DEX.
Neat list, btw... Have you tried to squeeze some devolution spray into it, so you can abuse Ninetails?
Ah thank you sir, I don't remember any of the set abbreviations lol

I was just thinking to myself is there anything else I can do with ninetales and you sir are onto something. I definitly have to give that a shot.

Though I am wondering if the space ninetales takes up could be better used for say 2 professors letters and/or 2 to 4 catchers. But thats not to say that ninetales doesn't work because it can and does help depending on the situation. But thats the part that worries me is the situational side of this tech.

I'm testing more and more and this list seems to be stable, now I want to make it great :)

thanks for the reply
Well, I can tell you that I love Lysandre for it is just broken and imbalanced right now.

If your deck have room for Ninetales with or without Devolution Spray, then sir you have yourself an abusable Lysandre that doesn't consume your supporter in that turn!

If you can squeeze one 2-2 Ninetales line with, say, 2 Devolution Spray, you have 4 chances of Lysandre without burning your supporter slot on that turn. Sounds good to me ;)

Unless you are missing draw power, this should work. Also, for the sake of Blacksmith, if you need draw power, you should use Torch and Bicycle, increasing your [R] count.

The Ninetales trick will be important if you want to snipe things or just make your opponent delay himself, pulling a high retreat cost pokemon. Also, since it isn't Supporter based, you can use this effect along with Blacksmith in the same turn, giving you, basically, a turn 2 lysandre + Charizard attack, if you get a lucky hand.

Let me know how this turns out.
Btw, will not the Bright Look Ninetales (DrX) be rotated out? If so, then you have 4 available slots for perhaps then more Lysandre and Pal Pad(s).
TuxedoBlack said:
Btw, will not the Bright Look Ninetales (DrX) be rotated out? If so, then you have 4 available slots for perhaps then more Lysandre and Pal Pad(s).

I thought OP already knew about the Ninetales DRX rotating out, that's why I suggested the Devolution Spray, which is from DRX itself too. :)

But yeah, if OP isn't going for Extended or Unlimited formats, then both need to be gone.
LOL man i feel like a scrub, I haven't really checked the rotated sets because TCGO makes me think I'm alright, I have the DRX ninetles in my deck and it lets me play in standard matches with it but I had a strange feeling lol.

Yeah i think Pal pad and professors letters may take the spot of the ninetales but this does leave me with a good fun deck once i get this one squared away :p

thanks for pointing that out guys xD
I wish there was a way to get my real cards into the TCGO... Or maybe a place where I can use any card that exists to make a deck, but only be able to use this deck in private matches against people on my friend list, so we can easily test things out on the best simulator. Then keep the normal play modes tied to your collection.

I mean, Bebe's Search / PlayTCG work, but to have to move things around sucks when we already have a fully working simulador that could include a test mode with all cards unlocked...
Jetstr3am said:
Ninetales will not be rotated because it has a reprint in BW66 Promo.

Oh look, that is right, Ninetales DRX won't be rotated. Thanks, Jetstr3am!
Devolution Spray is rotating out, however.
yeah Luxiel i know what you mean, it would make it a little easier to target cards and builds if i know they work before i spend money or trade my packs lol

But that is awesome that ninetales isn't rotating out BUT I'm back to square one trying to find room for professors letters lolol

I wonder if swapping colress for lysandre would be a good idea but if I find room for pal pads then I may not need to swap out colress, sorry I just kind of think outloud sometimes on the forums :p

EDIT: I am trying out a version where I -1 colress and -1 switch to +2 professor's letters, no news on if it runs better or not but I am testing.