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Pyroar / Seismitoad EX


Aspiring Trainer

  • 4 Pyroar (3 FLF, 1 PHF)
    4 Litleo
    1 Dedenne
    2 Seismitoad EX
    1 Mewtwo EX

  • 3 Professor Juniper
    3 Ultra Ball
    4 Muscle Band
    2 Lysandre
    3 N
    3 Blacksmith
    2 Energy Retrieval
    2 Enhanced Hammer
    1 Xerosic
    2 Startling Megaphone
    2 Pokemon Fan Club
    2 Switch
    2 VS Seeker
    1 Computer Search
    2 Mountain Ring

  • 10 Fire Energy
    4 Double Colorless Energy

This is a pretty basic Pyroar deck with setup help from Seismatoad to slow down my opponents progress (and try to stall garbo setup), and assistance from Mewtwo for big psychics like Mega Gengar. Dedenne was originally x2 in this deck as another options for getting my litleos out early, but now he exists only as a x1 for when I don't pull a litleo, fanclub, or ultraball on turn 1, and of course as an Yveltel counter. This is my very first competitive deck, and I know a lot of folks trash on Pyroar for being tier 2 at best, but I really enjoy playing it. Any advice, particularly on Trainers, would be most helpful. Thanks!
I too run a similar deck; following are some thoughts for your consideration:

  • Only 6 card-draw Supporters are listed; this is woefully insufficient, IMO (even with the 2 VS seekers).
  • The "ideal" starter in your list Dedenne which is subject to an easy KO should you go first and start with it T1.
  • I find running 1 Battle Compressor to be very, very helpful to either dump R energy and/or a needed card-draw Supporter that I could then VS Seeker and play.
  • Given you run Blacksmith, why run Energy Retrieval? The ERs are not really needed, IMO (given other priorities).
Given the above comments, I'd suggest the following changes:

  • -1 Dedenne
    -2 Energy Retrieval
    -1 R - I find 9 R energy to be quite sufficient

    +1 Zekrom (Outrage) - excellent starting Poke and great attacker
    +1 Reshiram (Outrage) - excellent starting Poke and great attacker
    +1 Bicycle - supplemental, non-Supporter, card draw (or another N/Professor Juniper)
    +1 Battle Compressor
I hope you find these comments helpful.
TuxedoBlack said:
I too run a similar deck; following are some thoughts for your consideration:

  • Only 6 card-draw Supporters are listed; this is woefully insufficient, IMO (even with the 2 VS seekers).
  • The "ideal" starter in your list Dedenne which is subject to an easy KO should you go first and start with it T1.
  • I find running 1 Battle Compressor to be very, very helpful to either dump R energy and/or a needed card-draw Supporter that I could then VS Seeker and play.
  • Given you run Blacksmith, why run Energy Retrieval? The ERs are not really needed, IMO (given other priorities).
Given the above comments, I'd suggest the following changes:

  • -1 Dedenne
    -2 Energy Retrieval
    -1 R - I find 9 R energy to be quite sufficient

    +1 Zekrom (Outrage) - excellent starting Poke and great attacker
    +1 Reshiram (Outrage) - excellent starting Poke and great attacker
    +1 Bicycle - supplemental, non-Supporter, card draw (or another N/Professor Juniper)
    +1 Battle Compressor
I hope you find these comments helpful.

I suggest using a Kyurem EX PLB instead of Reshiram because Donphan can OHKO Pyroar with Spinning Turn, Strong Energy, Muscle Band, Hypnotoxic Laser, and Virbank City Gym, which happens a lot. Also, I would take out Dedene for another Seismitoad, but it's just a personal preference.
Thank you for the helpful advice. I've been considering getting rid of the energy retrievals for a while now, and this was the push I needed to swap them for some better trainers. I don't know how useful the battle compressor would really be for me, especially with all the junipers and N's I run in this deck, I hardly ever have less than 2 fire energy in my discard. I like the idea of taking out the energy retrievals for maybe 2 bicycles, and dropping the fire energy for +1 juniper. I ran Reshiram in this deck for a while and never had any success with him, but I could see running one more toad instead if I drop dedenne. Thanks a lot!
I was thinking of working in +2 Fiery Torch instead of +2 Bicycles. Anyone have a thought on this move? It seems to make sense especially with Blacksmith being my #1 supporter in this deck.
Hurstshifter said:
I was thinking of working in +2 Fiery Torch instead of +2 Bicycles. Anyone have a thought on this move? It seems to make sense especially with Blacksmith being my #1 supporter in this deck.

/bump for help on this one
Hurstshifter said:
I was thinking of working in +2 Fiery Torch instead of +2 Bicycles. Anyone have a thought on this move? It seems to make sense especially with Blacksmith being my #1 supporter in this deck.
Fiery Torch will only net you at most 2 extra cards; whereas Bicycle could net you up to 4. Also, should you find that you play your hand down "often," then Bicycle will result in your drawing more cards more often. I'd suggest you playtest both and then decide which best fits your play style.
TuxedoBlack said:
Hurstshifter said:
I was thinking of working in +2 Fiery Torch instead of +2 Bicycles. Anyone have a thought on this move? It seems to make sense especially with Blacksmith being my #1 supporter in this deck.
Fiery Torch will only net you at most 2 extra cards; whereas Bicycle could net you up to 4. Also, should you find that you play your hand down "often," then Bicycle will result in your drawing more cards more often. I'd suggest you playtest both and then decide which best fits your play style.

Great point. I do find that I play my hand down to 1 or 2 cards pretty often. I'll start by trying the bikes for a while and see what happens. Thanks!