This is a pretty basic Pyroar deck with setup help from Seismatoad to slow down my opponents progress (and try to stall garbo setup), and assistance from Mewtwo for big psychics like Mega Gengar. Dedenne was originally x2 in this deck as another options for getting my litleos out early, but now he exists only as a x1 for when I don't pull a litleo, fanclub, or ultraball on turn 1, and of course as an Yveltel counter. This is my very first competitive deck, and I know a lot of folks trash on Pyroar for being tier 2 at best, but I really enjoy playing it. Any advice, particularly on Trainers, would be most helpful. Thanks!
4 Pyroar (3 FLF, 1 PHF)
4 Litleo
1 Dedenne
2 Seismitoad EX
1 Mewtwo EX
3 Professor Juniper
3 Ultra Ball
4 Muscle Band
2 Lysandre
3 N
3 Blacksmith
2 Energy Retrieval
2 Enhanced Hammer
1 Xerosic
2 Startling Megaphone
2 Pokemon Fan Club
2 Switch
2 VS Seeker
1 Computer Search
2 Mountain Ring
10 Fire Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy
This is a pretty basic Pyroar deck with setup help from Seismatoad to slow down my opponents progress (and try to stall garbo setup), and assistance from Mewtwo for big psychics like Mega Gengar. Dedenne was originally x2 in this deck as another options for getting my litleos out early, but now he exists only as a x1 for when I don't pull a litleo, fanclub, or ultraball on turn 1, and of course as an Yveltel counter. This is my very first competitive deck, and I know a lot of folks trash on Pyroar for being tier 2 at best, but I really enjoy playing it. Any advice, particularly on Trainers, would be most helpful. Thanks!