Quad Mew [April Fools]

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RE: Quad Mew

Is it wrong that I've made Quad Mew before and was 3-0 at one point?

Also, some deck tips, I know you're new, but it'll help in the long run.

+ 1 Juniper
-1 Sycamore

Sycamore is far less consistent than Juniper hands down. You always topdeck JUNIPER not sycamore.

+ 4 Twist Mountain

Twist Mountain's synergy with Mew is unsurpassed. When you play 4, you guarantee that you will win at least 150% of your games.

- 4 Catcher
+ 4 Silver Mirror

At Virginia Regionals, people were "Silver Mirroring ALL the EXs". This is a very valid strategy, because one competitor did that in top 2 multiple times and nearly won, while another worlds competitor went into the tournament playing silver mirror in a deck of mostly EXs! Keeping your EXs safe from those pesky plasma pokemon is very strong indeed.
RE: Quad Mew

4 of the free spots should be dedicated to 2-2 Claydol, to make sure you can consistently get out your G-booster.
RE: Quad Mew

One Approved said:
4 of the free spots should be dedicated to 2-2 Claydol, to make sure you can consistently get out your G-booster.

The other 2 Uxies.
RE: Quad Mew

One Approved said:
4 of the free spots should be dedicated to 2-2 Claydol, to make sure you can consistently get out your G-booster.
You can't attack with Claydol so it would be useless... Also it doesn't have synergy because Mew EX is a psychic type and Claydol is not.

Elbow said:
One Approved said:
4 of the free spots should be dedicated to 2-2 Claydol, to make sure you can consistently get out your G-booster.

The other 2 Uxies.
Uxies on the other hand are psychic an have perfect synergy.
RE: Quad Mew

The deck needs at least one Trunks the Powerful IMO, otherwise you're going to lose the late game pretty hard.
RE: Quad Mew

Camoclone said:
Elbow said:
The other 2 Uxies.
Uxies on the other hand are psychic an have perfect synergy.

Also If your Mew EX is low on HP then you can Psychic Restore and regain your HP.
And as all of this deck is psychic you could tech in a 1-1 Azelf and Azelf LV. X. It helps to get that last Mew EX if it's prized...
RE: Quad Mew

Why do you have 6 free spaces? I counted 54 cards, should be ok.
And remember to Add 4 virbank a so that way you can fake your opponent out if you mulligan

P(few people Will get that joke)
RE: Quad Mew

...last I checked, Virbank was a Pokémon. It's actually a really solid starter, it's attack "Get a game loss for doing mulligans wrong" is one of the best ways to start off a match.
All this deck needs are about 15 magikarp EX's and maybe a couple more professor n's.
You need 5 Magikarps for more consistency of the deck. Also, Quit Blue eyes dragon and add a bowl of spaghetti, for middle game/late game. I recommend you to play this deck on a fire, since mew get boost attack.
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