Quentin's Chibi Works (TEMPORARILY CLOSED)

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RE: Quentin's Chibi Works - Adorable Avatars, Banners, and Chibis/Gijinka!

LillipupFTW only has one avatar left for me to complete. I also have to resketch Zyra the Scrafty for crystaltheumbreon.

I'm going to make sketches for all remaining requests before starting any more inking or coloring.
RE: Quentin's Chibi Works - Adorable Avatars, Banners, and Chibis/Gijinka!

Ok, im good with anytime. Im using the garboador on my bio and nurse joy on my trade thread
RE: Quentin's Chibi Works - Adorable Avatars, Banners, and Chibis/Gijinka!

Hey Quentin, sorry for asking, but how's my request doing?
RE: Quentin's Chibi Works - Adorable Avatars, Banners, and Chibis/Gijinka!

I sketched your Scrafty but I want to re-do it because it didn't turn out well. I hope that's alright.
RE: Quentin's Chibi Works - Adorable Avatars, Banners, and Chibis/Gijinka!

Quentin said:
I sketched your Scrafty but I want to re-do it because it didn't turn out well. I hope that's alright.
Oh, I don't mind! Take your time! :D
RE: Quentin's Chibi Works - Adorable Avatars, Banners, and Chibis/Gijinka!

Gotta admit, you're amazing! I'd really like to see how you handle this request:

Name: ShadowLugia
Pokemon/Character: Musicians Group Daft Punk
References (if possible): Number 1, Number 2, Number 3
**Description of Character: Basic human bodies (with some swag), and you have to appreciate the simple helmets. I guess.
-Text Alignment: Opposite the Musicians
Colors?: Funky ones, like purple, yellow, and red.
Borders?: Your decision.
Best #?: Octo's Magic 8!

If you don't want to do it or it's not what you're interested in doing, please feel free to deny this. I'd love to see your work, though. :)
RE: Quentin's Chibi Works - Adorable Avatars, Banners, and Chibis/Gijinka!

Interesting request!
I'll try it and show you my results.
However I'll have to start later because I have many requests right now.
RE: Quentin's Chibi Works - Adorable Avatars, Banners, and Chibis/Gijinka!

Name: chellochello
Pokemon/Character: ash, brock, pikachu, misty,may
References (if possible):
**Description of Character: Boys on one side, girls on the other and pikachu in the middle
**Text: お奨めの漁獲emすべて on top and Gotta catch em all on the bottom in smaller letters
-Text Alignment Below characters
Colors?: Japanese font should be yellow and gotta catch em all should be red and background should be fuzzy blue on the boys side and pink on the girls side.
Borders?: None i guess
Best #?: Otto's Magic 8

Put these in with my others. Can you also put the link to my trade thread in there so when you click on my banner, my thread pops up, thanks! also, make it regular banner size, big, but leave room at the bottom so i can say, click on the banner to go tom my trade thread!

Name: chellochello
Pokemon/Character: Finn from adventure time
References (if possible):http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://images.zap2it.com/images/tv-EP01246265/adventure-time-with-finn-and-jake-jeremy-shada-2.jpg&imgrefurl=http://tvlistings.zap2it.com/tv/adventure-time/photo-gallery-detail/EP01246265/429058&usg=__-ucQsnnIY1mSwwWSXyt6SsJxfOY=&h=720&w=540&sz=78&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=AUlKUzJrrKfU1M:&tbnh=161&tbnw=121&ei=KljiTbPJEcXJgQeHmJzMBg&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dfinn%2Badventure%2Btime%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26biw%3D1280%26bih%3D664%26tbm%3Disch&um=1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=423&page=1&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0&tx=25&ty=86&biw=1280&bih=664

**Description of Character: Wiggling his arms(if you can have them move great)

Colors?: Brown Background
Border?: Lady Rainicorn(also in adventure time)
Best #?: Ottos's magic 8
RE: Quentin's Chibi Works - Adorable Avatars, Banners, and Chibis/Gijinka!

Alright, everyone, these are the completed sketches that I'll start inking+coloring now:

  • crystaltheumbreon - Chibi Zyra
    LillipupFTW - Avatar w/Kyuubi Lillipup and older Naruto
    chellochello - Chibi Nurse Joy
Additional requests are also in the Works. I'll likely add a new rule about adding multiple requests to an order, since it's becoming a bit too much for me. I hope everyone understands.

crystal's Scrafty is done! [: Enjoy~

RE: Quentin's Chibi Works - Adorable Avatars, Banners, and Chibis/Gijinka!

Awesome! Thank you! :D
RE: Quentin's Chibi Works - Adorable Avatars, Banners, and Chibis/Gijinka!

how far done inking are you on nurse joy?? then which one are you doing???
RE: Quentin's Chibi Works - Adorable Avatars, Banners, and Chibis/Gijinka!

I just finished Nurse Joy.

After this I have to finish the avatar for LillipupFTW (sorry for the wait.) ;;

I also have more sketching to do.

I'm sorry for lagging behind on requests. I'm trying to get them all done soon. ;;
RE: Quentin's Chibi Works - Adorable Avatars, Banners, and Chibis/Gijinka!

thanks, it looks awesome. Can i have my banner next?? can you also add the link to my trade thread in their so all i have to do is copy and paste the code???
RE: Quentin's Chibi Works - Adorable Avatars, Banners, and Chibis/Gijinka!

chellochello said:
thanks, it looks awesome. Can i have my banner next?? can you also add the link to my trade thread in their so all i have to do is copy and paste the code??

You're welcome~
And yes, I'll do the banner before the Adventure Time avatar, then.
RE: Quentin's Chibi Works - Adorable Avatars, Banners, and Chibis/Gijinka!

other than lillipups avatar, am i next on the list
RE: Quentin's Chibi Works - Adorable Avatars, Banners, and Chibis/Gijinka!

Yes. The orders will probably go like this:

1. Lillipup's avatar finished
2. Your banner+avatar sketched
3. Your banner and avatar finished
RE: Quentin's Chibi Works - Adorable Avatars, Banners, and Chibis/Gijinka!

ok, how far are you on his avatar??
RE: Quentin's Chibi Works - Adorable Avatars, Banners, and Chibis/Gijinka!

I haven't started to ink yet, but the sketches are done and ready. I had to re-sketch because the first try looked terrible.

Also, chellochello do you think you could link back to this thread or put my name under the Joy image in your thread? I just want a simple form of credit, that's all.
I forgot to add it in the code but here's the revised code:

RE: Quentin's Chibi Works - Adorable Avatars, Banners, and Chibis/Gijinka!

yeah, sorry, i did,
RE: Quentin's Chibi Works - Adorable Avatars, Banners, and Chibis/Gijinka!

just to clarify, on my banner request, you do know what fuzzy colors mean, right, i just wanted it clarified
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