Ruling Question about Holon Energy WP


Aspiring Trainer
The card reads "prevent all effects of attacks, excluding damage, done to that pokemon."
What does it mean by 'effects of attacks'?
Does it include status effects? coin flips? extra damage under certain conditions? (ex: Venusaur's Green Blast attack) bench damage? (Aqua Shower)

Thanks for reading!
It means anything besides damage. It won't prevent extra damage or bench damage, but it will prevent posion, burn, ect., and things like tail whip.
So what if the attack has a coin flip that adds more damage (like DP Heracross' Horn Slash)? Does the attacker still flip the coin or is the coin flip canceled?

Thanks for the quick response by the way :)
Coin flippinf for extra damage counts.
As long as it does direct damage, it does not counts as effect.
Effect from an attack otehr than damage = anything done after damage is calculated and damage is dealt.

Placing damage counters (when the card says it, not to show direct damage), special conditions, etc. are always done after therefore negated.
Here is all the info about Holon Energy WP:
Compendium said:
Q. Does Holon Energy WP prevent effects (excluding damage) done by an opponent's Pokémon powers (i.e. Machoke's "Strikes Back")? Or does it only prevent the effects from an opponent's attacks?
A. It only prevents the effects (excluding damage done) from an opponent's attacks. Effects from Trainer cards, Poké-Powers, and Poké-Bodies are not prevented. (Nov 17, 2005 PUI Rules Team; Jul 25, 2006 PUI Announcements; Jul 27, 2006 PUI Rules Team)

Q. What happens if I try to use "Drag Off" to bring up a benched Pokémon that has a Holon Energy WP attached ("prevent all effects excluding damage done...")
A. Since the Holon Energy WP would prevent the effect of switching out that Pokémon, you cannot target it with Drag Off. You will have to choose a different target. (Mar 23, 2006 PUI Rules Team)

Q. Does Holon Energy WP prevent an opponent's attack from placing damage counters onto that Pokémon?
A. Yes, "placing counters" is not the same as "damage done", so Holon Energy WP prevents placing counters onto that Pokémon. (May 18, 2006 PUI Rules Team)

Q. Wobbuffet attacks an opponent using its "Shadow Tag" attack. During the next turn a Holon Energy WP is attached to that Pokémon. Will this prevent the Shadow Tag effect from taking place at the end of the turn?
A. The Shadow Tag effect is a pre-existing condition on the Active Pokémon that was attacked by Wobbuffet. Holon Energy WP only prevents effects from new attacks during the time while it was actually attached; it does not remove effects already on a Pokémon. So in this scenario the Shadow Tag effect would still work. (May 18, 2006 PUI Rules Team)

Q. If I have Holon Energy WP and a basic Water energy card attached, when my opponent performs an attack that involves discarding a tool attached to that Pokémon, does the tool get discarded or not?
A. Holon Energy WP would prevent discarding of the tool by an opponent's attack. (Sep 21, 2006 PUI Rules Team)
rkomarco said:
does it prevent prinplup aqua shower brine or empoleon ice blade
If the attack says "Put damage counters" then yes, Holon energy WP prevents it and no damage counters are placed.
One thing I remember is that if it doesn't have a number on the side or a number divisble by 10 in the text, it's prevented. Oh, and be logical about attacks that flip... If one flip does damage and one does something random, follow what the damage one does, not the effect.
Lieutenant Houndoom said:
One thing I remember is that if it doesn't have a number on the side or a number divisble by 10 in the text, it's prevented. Oh, and be logical about attacks that flip... If one flip does damage and one does something random, follow what the damage one does, not the effect.

No, no, no! Damage is damage. A number next to the attack is damage done, as is damage done to the bench, your own pokés or anywhere. When an attack specifies placing damage counters, this is to avoid "when x is damaged" criteria and is thus prevented by Holon WP.
Magic Umbreon said:
Lieutenant Houndoom said:
One thing I remember is that if it doesn't have a number on the side or a number divisble by 10 in the text, it's prevented. Oh, and be logical about attacks that flip... If one flip does damage and one does something random, follow what the damage one does, not the effect.

No, no, no! Damage is damage. A number next to the attack is damage done, as is damage done to the bench, your own pokés or anywhere. When an attack specifies placing damage counters, this is to avoid "when x is damaged" criteria and is thus prevented by Holon WP.

Yes. Putting damage counters is not the same as doing damage.
And doing damage is not the same as putting damage counters.
They are two completely different things.

If the attack says "Put x damage counters"-> Holon WP prevents it.
If the attack says "Does x damage" -> Holon WP will not prevent it.

BTW, I did not read Prinplups or Piplups or any other attacks text. I just try to give an answer to the question I think was asked :p But I think this covers the whole thing. Said it as simply as possible :D
Magic Umbreon said:
Lieutenant Houndoom said:
One thing I remember is that if it doesn't have a number on the side or a number divisble by 10 in the text, it's prevented. Oh, and be logical about attacks that flip... If one flip does damage and one does something random, follow what the damage one does, not the effect.

No, no, no! Damage is damage. A number next to the attack is damage done, as is damage done to the bench, your own pokés or anywhere. When an attack specifies placing damage counters, this is to avoid "when x is damaged" criteria and is thus prevented by Holon WP.

I don't see how your post had any relavance to my way of remembering... If there is a number in the attack that's divisible by 10, that's damage. Anything else isn't and so preventable by WP.