Question about unwarping those foil cards...

if your boat was flygon, it would. anyway, I dont really want to run over my RH call energy, but I do want to unwarp it. same with my palkia G X, since I can always tell which one it is in my prize cards.
This is why I don't use the penny sleeves (the cheapest kind u can get).
I use either the Dragon Sheild (which has lasted me: 4 different card games (Yep, even YGO) & 12+ years) or the one's that u get @ the pre-releases..
I also put them (the cards I get) right into my binders.
minimidget94 said:
if your boat was flygon, it would. anyway, I don't really want to run over my RH call energy, but I do want to unwarp it. same with my palkia G X, since I can always tell which one it is in my prize cards.

Really, that does work. I tried it with Flygon Lv.X! (I still wonder what would have happened if it hadn't worked, but I'm glad it did!)