DPPt/HGSS Question about Wi-Fi events


Aspiring Trainer
So i have quick question. Does wifi events for Europe is avaivable for European version or it's avaivable if you are in Europe? Pretty dumb question, but i'm fairly concerned about european shiny beasts.
RE: Wifi event question

I'm pretty sure the Europe events are only supposed to go to European versions of the games, unless i'm mistaken.
RE: Wifi event question

You're not necessarily mistaken, but there's a good chance American games will be able to receive the European events. It happened with Jirachi, and it apparently happened with Pickachu-colored Pichu. I'm pretty sure it has to do with the merger between PUSA and Pokemon U.K. They probably use the same technology in their games and events, so the two would almost be identical.

As for the OP, I'm not quite sure what the question is, but European games should be able to receive the event anywhere in the world (provided the connections aren't blocked by the ISP), and games in Europe will be able to receive the event as long as they're European or North American.
RE: Wifi event question

All previous UK European events (PCP, Jirachi, etc.) have been available for download to US English games. Based on that, I can say with fairly good evidence that the Wifi beasts will be available to the UK games no matter where you are. Wifi doesn't discriminate.
RE: Wifi event question

You will probably need an Europian version of the game to download an Europian event :))) but the event will reach the US sooner or later :)()