I would go for 3-1 of Azelf and 3-1 of Uxie, and 2-2 Mesprit just for better attack consistency. Better than having to recycle Mesprit X all the time.
It should be:
3 Azelf (2 LA, 1 MT)
3 Uxie (2 LA, 1 MT or just 3 LA)
2 Mesprit (1 LA, 1 MT)
There really are no techs to the deck, just straight pixies. I ran through a few techs and right now I'm just playing Gengar. Works pretty well with Azelf.
But if you're wondering what AMU actually is, it's a deck that consists of the 3 Pixies. All of them have useful powers. You can check the Legends Awakened or Mysterious Treasures deck list for which ones you want to use. Once you get all three of them out, you have to be consistent on being able to Supreme Blast (Mes. X's attack) turn after turn. It's possible, as I pulled out 5 Supreme Blasts in a row. =] Uxie is your draw power, Azelf is your tech for no weakness and can be used to snipe off things, and Mesprit Lv. X is your main attacker.