I need answers to these!
1.How do you make a team? I'm new!
Well, the term "Team" is really general. It could mean that you want a Team in GBA, or a Clan or Club about a Certain thing like the Anti-Legendary Clan, the Shiny Pokemon Club, etc. or anything like that. Please be more specific for further assistance.
2.How do I get a trrainer card?
You can ask me, LV, LV.100 or Aagron 92 for the Trainer Cards. Search thoroughly and you'll find shops which has that service.
3.What are effort values? How can I get them?
As for these, you can't "get" them, but you can "obtain" them. Every Pokemon has their own stat that they provide every time you defeat 4 of them. Like Zubats provide the speed Stat and how Whismur gives the HP stat. The maximum EV a Stat can have is 255, and the maximum EVs are 510. For every 4 stats you get, they will contribute an extra stat to that certain stat. For example, if you had defeated 252 Zubats, you get 252 Speed Stats, and if you divide it by 4, you will get 63, meaning your Speed stat has extra Speed than usual. Note that only 252 is the best and any extra would be just wasting. Hope this clears it up a bit.
4.Will somebody be my buddy? I have none...
Sure, I don't see why not.
5.Where do you guys get all these pictures? How?
Again, be more specific.
Thanks for answers! #4 is important.