Quick Request


whadda you lookin' at?
Can someone add Power Keepers into the Modified Carddex please? I noticed that is hasn't been added yet.
Well, uh, WPM's computer is sort of on the fritz at the moment, so he may not be able to right now. I'm not sure exactly what he had on there, but from what I gathered there was quite a bit of stuff for the site on it. He may be able to do it from another computer, but he's also got school as well, and that should ALWAYS come before a website.
mr.mime09 said:
?ill try 4 u!

You can't. Only WPM can Edit the main page of Pokebeach. Posting that is really funny trying to do something way beyond your power. WPM will try to get the Power Keepers' Cards into the Modifed list ASAP, but since WPM is busy with other things like the PB Podcast and other stuff, it should take a while longer.