Finished Quote the Funniest Post Made By the One Above

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xtrabaggage said:
I'm Bored

With the amount of time you spend in the Game Corner, I don't think so.
P.S, You can find funnier quotes from me, other than just quoting what I post in this thread.
PokeChamp said:
Pokebeach Moderator Theme Song

I have to stop, all the spam
That plagues these forums
Find the spammers, is my real test
To ban them is my cause
I will scour, every thread
Searching through them all
Each bad post, I must discover
The spam that is inside

The members and me
I know it's my destiny
Ooh, it's my entire life
In a forum I must defend
Our site so true
Our rules will pull us through
Do not spam and I won't ban

Gotta ban 'em all to save it all!
xtrabaggage said:
Easy Rain Dance then Hydro Pump FTW critical hit KO

Dude, you forgot that it has 80% accuracy!
Epic Fail!
The Fallen One said:
Woops. I forgot that it went down to the last prize, and Rampardos won. But only because I couldn't get Drapion out till midgame. That's the power of the Scorpion. :D

But...80 damage for 1 energy is overpowered, backlash or not.

Rampardos needs skills to win, not just straight forward dang it!

Test the match up!
PokeMaster619 said:
The Fallen One said:
Woops. I forgot that it went down to the last prize, and Rampardos won. But only because I couldn't get Drapion out till midgame. That's the power of the Scorpion. :D

But...80 damage for 1 energy is overpowered, backlash or not.

Rampardos needs skills to win, not just straight forward dang it!

Test the match up!

I've done another run, I got a bad start and ended up losing. So far against this guy, I get a late start, and then I make a comeback too late. This time he Warp Pointed me, bringing out something that could be OHKO'd for the win. :\
You can have skills too, find his weak point and stop the Rampardos engine.

If you cannot guess anything, PM me for tips.
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