Finished Quote the Funniest Post Made By the One Above

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PokeChamp said:
xtrabaggage said:
Put your arms in the air and wave them like you just don't care

Come on guys, are really that bad at finding good quotes? I swear, if you copy this post, I will eat your cat, no questions asked.

I have no cat. 8D

And I have funnier quotes than having nothing.
The Fallen One said:
Which variant did you test with? Lock can easily be countered, but Cap'n Crunch...not so much.

At first, i didnt get it!
TFO "Captain crunch, use delicous flavor!"

weavile132 said:
At first, I didnt get it!
TFO "Captain crunch, use delicous flavor!"



I'm going to have so much fun with that at States..."Behold your demise! Cap'n Crunch Lv. X!"
weavile132 said:
officer, I can explain, I was eating watever Mme. curie is (I assume thats a food?) and then godzilla was on the side of the road with his ipod, so I brought him along!

That's gotta be one BIG ipod. Lol.
PokeChamp said:
Banned, because it's a lame nickname.
It's all preference, PokeChamp. I don't like your avvy either, but you don't hear me complaining.
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